Today is Thankful Thursday and we are thankful for our kitties, our friends, our home
and Fall – we are really thankful that Fall is finally here.
We’re also thankful for our little Pip,
he is growing so fast and his blue eyes are fading to whatever color they will become.
So we’re taking as many photos as we can to capture his kitten self.

The end! MOL!
Eastside Cats
That last image will be a god one for ‘Tocktober!
A ShutterBug Explores
Oh Pip ~ you are soooo adorable ~ sweet photos of you ~ your bushy tail is bigger than the rest of you in that photo ^_^
Live each moment with love,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Pip I just want to cuddle your cute self in my arms! 🙂 <3
Brian Frum
Pip, you are so adorable and we know you are thankful to have such a loving home. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Timmy Tomcat
Darn we cant see your photos Pip. But we know you and are thankful for that
Those pictures are just precious! What a little cutie pie!
He gets bigger every day!😺
Ellen Pilch
Pip is adorable. I am thankful for fall weather too.
guyz…we iz BUZZZED happee fall iz heer, and thiz month iz like de best oh de yeer. pip ya bee growin mor handsum each day !!! happee week end two all ~~~~ 🙂 ♥♥
BellaDharma an LadyMew
Pip yore growin biggur efurry day an are so adoorabell….LadyMew sayss you look alot like ‘angel’ Unkell Siddhartha did when hee was a young ki!!
You DO look Burmesey to us fore sure!!
Cat Mom yore amazin takin care of all yore kittiess!!
**purrss** BellaDharma
What a cutie !!
The Island Cats
Pip is just too cute!
Melissa & Mudpie
Oh my cod which end is cuter??? If only they could stay that size. (Although kitties of EVERY size are purrfect.)
Ah, he’s growing beautifully, just as he should.
Cecilia Upchurch
Hey Pip!!
Looks like you are cultivating a big purrsonality
Hugs Cecilia
Three Chatty Cats
That’s a good way to end a post! 🙂