Thankful Marley

Earlier this summer we had a flea invasion.
It made the kitties miserable
and it made us peeps have to work like crazy to eradicate the horrible things.
Miss Marley with her long fine fur suffered the worst.
She has bald spots on her back legs from the scratching, poor baby.
She was so afraid to be on the floor where the fleas could get her
that she refused to leave the windowsill for weeks other than to potty.
We had to feed her on the windowsill so she wouldn’t starve.
We are so thankful those nasty bugs are gone and our girl is feeling better.
Fleas are awful and summer is the season for them.
We have an article here on what to do if you’ve never had to deal with them.
Fleas be gone, please be gone.
T’was a year round battle in the heat & humidity of our Florida home. Tho Maggy and Zoey were never outdoor cats, they spent hours on our back porch, part screened. Even tho regularly receiving Revolution, one day the “home invasion” came. I feel your pain as it often means treating much in the home, not just the poor itchy kitties … but happy you have overcome, and mostly that MARLEY can now go where he chooses to go and be!
Have you tried planting LOTS of pennyroyal in your yard near the house or near where the kitties reside? Mama uses Frontline on me, but we don’t really have fleas here, who knows why? All I know is that penny royal, which smell devine when you roll in it, gets those fleas fleeing.
Brian Frum
Those fleas are awful, we dealt with them years ago and they don’t give up easily. I’m so glad your situation is under control. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
A ShutterBug Explores
So glad the flea infestation is gone ~ kitties are healing ~ Marley you are beautiful! Xo
Living in the moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
A ShutterBug Explores
So glad the flea infestation is gone ~ kitties are healing ~ Marley you are beautiful! Xo
Living in the moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Glad those fleas are gone! they are such a nuisance! Beautiful picture of Marley!
The Island Cats
This has been a horrible summer for fleas…mosquitos too. Poor Marley. I’m glad the fleas are gone now and I hope Marley’s furs grow back soon. ~Ernie
da tabbies o trout towne
marley; look at ewe & yur gorgoeuz self… francis’ blessingz that yur 1000000000000000 purrcent better soooper quik fast……we iz buzzed happee de bass terd fleaz iz gone…. tell yur mom and dad ta plant sum cat nip round de propurtee…..noe joke, catz love it, fleaz hatez it 🙂
Timmy Tomcat
Marley your calm look tells it all those nasty bugger buggies are hisstory. We have had our share and Hate them. Purrs
Eastside Cats
Angel The PO’M suffered from a flea bite allergy, and he licked his furs off too!
The Florida Furkids
We had a problem a couple of years ago. They are a pain to get rid of.
Melissa & Mudpie
Fleas are a nightmare! We’ve had a couple bouts in years past, not fun at all.
Ellen J Pilch
Fleas are awful. Glad you managed to get rid of them. We had them years ago and it was a nightmare.
Fleas are horrible! We used to use a lot of diatomaceous earth, the food grade kind, it helps eradicate them from the environment wihtout poison.
Three Chatty Cats
Oh gosh, fleas are the worst! I’m glad they’re gone now.
Dad shuddered when he read this one. We’re glad the problem’s been eradicated by now. Dad says he’s dealt with that many times over the years with various previous masters. Thankfully, it’s not an issue with me.
BellaDharma an LadyMew
EEEKKKKKK!!!! Poor Marley an all THE Kittiess there an of coarse you two Catscue Mom!
Flea inn-vasionss are pawfull. LadyMew sprayed Xodiac Premsie spray inn our place when mee outside inn Condo. Efurry month mee getss a Zodiac Spotty-On treetmint an thanx to Sky Cat it werkss. LadyMew washess down patio allmost dailee…not sure if it helpss butt shee sayss bettur safe than fleae-ey!!!
Wee reeleeved Life iss normal again an no more Fleass!!!!!!!
***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) LadyMew