Sweet disposition

Tigger has a sweet disposition.
He is always loving, cheerful and,
as you can see cute as a button!

When I give him treats,
he won’t eat them until I give him a pet as well.
He likes to know he is being given a treat
because he is loved.

It is amazing to see such sweetness
that is as natural to him as breathing.
I wish I could bottle it and give it to the world.
I absolutely love this little guy
and I am so thankful he is part of our family.
A ShutterBug Explores
Oh Tigger you are a treasure and what adorable photos of you ~ world could use more like you ~ Xox
Moment by moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Brian Frum
You are such a sweetie guy Tigger and it’s wonderful to be so loved. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Cathy Kennedy
Tiger is sweet looking. 🙂 A kitty can bring lots of happiness and love to a person. I like cats but my body doesn’t. I’m allergic to cat dander. Poohie!
omg what a cutie!!! Reminds me of my Angel Cody xoxo
Tigger, your mom is right. We need to find a way to bottle your sweetness and kind disposition to pour out into every soul walking this earth! What a treasure you are Tigger! 🙂 <3
The Florida Furkids
What a sweetie for sure!
The Florida Furkids
Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon & and Mom Barb
Tigger you are a Sweetie! We are glad that your human appreciates and loves you too!
Purrs Marv
tigger ewe bee one handsum dood….ewe ree mind uz oh gram paw dude….heerz hopin ewe N de crew haza grate 2021 !! 🙂 ♥♥
Oh he is a really sweet kitty! And just adorable too!
Timmy Tomcat
You can see it in his eyes the way he looks his whole everything. What a nice fellow
Kathe W.
Tigger is not only awdorable but obviously and wonderful cat- such a sweet face!
Ellen Pilch
So sweet and adorable too.
Mary McNeil
That really is sweet that he wants a poet with his treats. Obviously it isn’t just about the food, he has some real affection too.
FYI, Tigger is cuter than a button. You are apparently adored. What a sweetie!
Melissa & Mudpie
The world needs it. He is SO adorable.
BellaDharma an LadyMew
Terrifick Tigger!! Hee sure iss a cutie-pie Cat Mom!
**purrss** BellaDharma
Tigger definitely is a sweetheart!
Awww, i’ve known a couple of cats that would go for affection before food, they are few and far between and very, very special.
Aww, we can see how sweet Tigger is in your photos. Your description of him made us smile so big, too. 🙂
Three Chatty Cats
Tigger definitely sounds like the sweetest of sweethearts.
Britt K
Oh Tigger, you are such a sweetie! Our baby girl Pippen is the same way – When I give our 2 cats treats, Jinx digs in at the first sight of them. However, Pippen waits for a pet before she enjoys them. As you said, Pippen wants to know that she’s getting treats because she is loved.
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