
We are thankful for our Smudge.
She is sweet natured, fun-loving and affectionate.
She is the only cat I’ve ever taken in for a spay
who was calm and indifferent the whole time,
she is amazing.

Another thing about Smudge is she is energetic!
I can’t get her to hold still enough for a decent photo,
that’s why most of her photos are artified or blurry or both.

She’s been that way since she was a kit.
We just love our Smudge!
I guess one could say that all the photos of Smudge are sort of “smudgy” …
OMG!! Last night when I took Levi out to do his business, I saw a kitty that looks just like Smudge! I feel bad because I often see this kitty. I keep wondering if it has a home. Love those Tuxies!!!
Brian Frum
Smudge is such a sweet, sweet cutie! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
A ShutterBug Explores
Smudge ~ you are adorable and sweet photos of you even if you don’t hold still ~ Happy Days ^_^
Living moment by moment,
A ShutterBug Explores
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Timmy Tomcat
Smudge looks like such a FUN kitty. Smudge you are a big Thankful did you know that?
Smudge, what a vibrant and bright-eyed cutie you are!
She is so lovely and precious! 🙂 <3
You are an adorable kitty, Smudge!
Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon & Barb
Smudge is terrific! Kozmo is much the same way. I wonder if it is a Tuxie thing. Is she a clown too?
Smudge seems to be a real character. She doesn’t seem to let the dust settle.
The Island Cats
What a good girl you are, Smudge!
She has left more than just a smudge on your hearts.
BellaDharma an LadyMew
Mee-yow wow Smudge was a cute kitt an shee iss a lovelee an beeuteefull lady cat now…
An alot like mee…mee not sit still fore fotoss alot eether!
**purrss** BellaDharma an <3 LadyMew
Ellen Pilch
Such a cutie and I love her name. XO
Melissa & Mudpie
She’s just darling!
Three Chatty Cats
What a cutie she is!
Cecilia Upchurch
That is one adorable Tuxie you have there.
She’s poetry in motion!
Smudge is a beauty, and what a wonderful purrsonality she has!