Mom walk

Tigger: Mom went for a walk around the building she is working in.
She took pics of the Agave there.
There were Texas Bluebonnets in bloom,
but she just captured the Agaves.
We don’t know why.

It bothered me that she didn’t have our State flower pic,
so I nagged her until she gave in.

Thanks Mom!
katie Isabella
Mom and I here say thank you too! We love seeing the BlueBonnets! They are the most striking of flowers!
Eastside Cats
Tigger, you don’t give an inch, do you?
The Island Cats
The agave is beautiful in its own way. Love the color of the bluebonnets!
Oh, beautiful Tigger (such a famous name!), my mama remembers driving out in the country with her papa and mama to see the bluebonnets in the hill country near Austin. So many wild flowers in Texas, also Indian Paint Brush, the red ones!!!! I had forgotten that your mama is a Texan. Thank you for the memory.
Good work, Tigger! The bluebonnets are gorgeous, although the agave makes an interesting picture, too. You are looking gorgeous today, too, Tigger!
Mary McNeil
Well, they don’t make tequila from bluebonnets. Just sayin’…. 😉
Ellen J Pilch
Beautiful photos, especially you. 🙂
Brian's Home ~ Forever
Hello sweet Tigger, those sure are pretty flowers. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Melissa & Mudpie
Beautiful photos! You sure are a cutie 🙂
messymimi's meanderings
They’re all beautiful.
Yes, they’re all beautiful each in their own ways.
Thanks Tigger for sharing your Mom’s gorgeous flowers with us … guess we’re partial to the agave as we love that “kind” of plant/bloom … so dramatic in it’s own way!
Gidget Blue Sky
beautiful photos, of tigger too!!
Three Chatty Cats
Those are very nice shots! Glad you nagged her for that last one too. So pretty!
Great photo direction, Tigger! We think the agave and the Texas Bluebonnets are both lovely.