Thankful Thursday

In Black and White


Everything is in black and white today starting with little Aggie,

her full name is Agatha Christie

after this Cat Mom’s favorite author.


Next up is Big Fig.

When he was a kitten he reminded us of the cat Figaro

in Walt Disney’s Pinocchio.


And here is our Silly Gilly,

her name was picked because it rhymed with silly.

Tell us how your kitty got it’s name, we love to hear those stories.


  • Eastside Cats

    Our black-and-white cats:
    Angel, named because my father had just passed
    Hobo, visited our yard from the alley
    Sammy, was actually named New Guy or Guy, but The Hubby forgot his name when dropping him off at the low-cost spay/neuter clinic, so used his grandfather’s name instead on the paperwork.

  • Loulou

    Oh, wonderful names! And was named by a friend of mama when we three were out in the garden thinking of names and she said, Well, Lulu is so French!!! And mama loved it and spells it Loulou and, too, she loved Little Lulu as a child.

  • Leah

    What a gorgeous group of tuxies! Love their elegant nose markings! And love their names! Our tortie with white was named Shelley for tortoishell. I later added Mary to it, because she’s a talkative storyteller, and because her astonishing tail looks like it came from three different cats!

  • Melissa & Mudpie

    Such darlings! I didn’t know Aggie was named after Agatha Christie…she’s one of my favorites too. Mudpie got her name because I wanted something else chocolate-related. I think torties should be named after chocolate, like Truffles before her 🙂

  • messymimi's meanderings

    Link Linker the Stinker was named after the hero in the Zelda games, Link, and he is a stinker, thinking he’s still a kitten at age almost 11.

    The Charismatic Enigma SissyCat (sometimes also called Quadpod Sissy or SissMiss) was part of a litter of bottle babies we named Anomaly, Perplexity, Enigma and Conundrum. The others were adopted out, but #1 Son begged us to keep Enigma, telling me she was Charismatic. She is also like the other SissyCat, very bold and fearless and a fighter, so the whole name came together this way.

    Dansig the Round is named after a city in Germany, and he is quite round (he’s also diabetic and on a special diet, but it does no good). He’s good natured and jolly, too.

    Tripod SissyCat was originally just SissyCat, and she was half feral and mean and bold and fearless and her first family was scared of her, with good reason. She fought anyone and anything, biting and scratching at people and other cats and any other animals that came hear her and ended up losing a leg in a fight with a German shepherd. Three years later, still mean and nasty, we took her in and kept loving on her no matter how mean she was until about a year after she got her when she realized we meant it and she has been sweet as sugar to us ever since. That was 9 years ago she turned so nice and we call her Big Sissy, Tripod, or The SissyCat.

  • Smudge

    Ahh, such a lovely collection of black and white beauty! I think I was so named because of the little smudges of color in my furs. My dad told me I had a different name when dumped at Brother Wolf Animal Rescue and the staff there renamed me more fittingly.

  • BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum

    Aggie yore whiskurrss are speck-taculur!!!! An beein named aftur a Mystery Writer iss so kewl…..
    Figaro aka Big Fig yore one hansum an furabuluss man cat!
    Silly Gilly wee think yore so sweet!

    Mee was named Bella by preeveeus peepss.
    Since mee Unkell Purrince Siddhartha went to Purr Land mee was named Dharma inn his memoree.
    Dharma iss Buudhist an meens Rite Thought; Rite Inntent an Rite Acksun….
    BellaSita adopted mee to give mee a Life that ‘angel’ Unkell did not get to live…… Purrty kewl rite?
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma

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