We’re hopeful that 2020 will see more people become Feral Caretakers. It is such important and rewarding work. We’re thankful that we were able to trap Elf’s family and get them inside, ready for spaying, neutering and vaccinations – not to mention a warm safe place with lots of food, fresh water and TOYS!
It snowed in Texas last Saturday, I didn’t get myself together in time to get a picture because those white fluffy flakes didn’t last long, but it was VERY cold that day and I’m so glad the little ferals are inside.
The old Tom Cats are the only ferals left outside, Gus and Bob are not inside cats and have let us know that loud and clear on the occasions we have tried to persuade them to come inside! But we’ll keep their food and water bowls full and their shelters clean and as warm as possible. They are as much part of our family as our inside cats.
Here are the latest photos of two of Elf’s siblings … the photos are not very clear, but they are not used to posing quite yet.

Heartfelt thanks to all the Feral Caretakers out there, and here’s hoping there will be more added to the ranks this year!
the Island Cats
We agree. We hope more people will step up to take care of the feral kitties. It can be quite rewarding.
The Florida Furkids
Sadly, there is always a need for more feral caretakers.
The Florida Furkids
We have kitties in our neighborhood that belong to our various neighbors and they are always outside. Some cats don’t want to be inside cats. They let you know too. Thank you for all you do.
Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥
Eastside Cats
I love my ferals with a passion, and try not to get sad when they won’t come inside! They have a heated, insulated shelter, fresh water twice a day, and food three times a day. I pet them, and sign to them (!), and I’ll do anything for Sweetie and The PO’M. Also, I am an advocate for TNR, and talk to folks about it wherever I go. Lucky for us, we have a low cost spay/neuter clinic nearby that works hard to get feral cat community information get into the hands of the public. We cannot adopt our way out of the crisis of over-crowded shelters; we must stop the kittens from being born. It’s harsh, but it’s the only way we have.
Cute little mini panthers. I’m glad they are safe and warm inside. I’m looking out the window at the tons of snow we’re getting today. I feel bad for any ferals out there that don’t have caretakers. My winter visitor didn’t return this year (so he probably actually belonged to the people that moved away from next door.) I have a basement window that leads into a crawl space. I have igloo shelter in there for any critters passing through and in need. If I see them I feed them. I don’t encourage them hanging around as I live on a 55 mile per hour stretch of road on a curve on one side, and there’s a big field with wild life beyond my treeline. It’s not a great place to be an outside cat.
A ShutterBug Explores
Thankful for all you do for feral cats ~ This world is getting more and more inconsiderate and self centered like our dear Prez ~ We need more people like you .
Sweet photos of our furry friends ^_^
Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
They are totally adorable and thanks for taking such good care of them. As you know, we love our feral family too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
You are doing such a good job with the ferals, they are looking great. Hopefully more people will join you!
Still no snow here, and our cat is happy about that 🙂
Melissa & Mudpie
Thank you for all you do to help these precious babies!
Ellen Pilch
Such cuties. You are so kind to help them.
Our shelter supports several people who have managed feral colonies. They are really doing great work, and so are you.
Three Chatty Cats
I’m so thankful there are folks who care for feral cats! There aren’t many in my area, but I donate food to a local caretaker here.
BellaDharma'ss LadyMew
Mew mew mew that Harry who-dini sure gave youss a run fore yore $money$!! An Dusty iss so purtty.
Wee know youss’ will do yore best fore Gus an Bob!
Our Feral Cat Rescue group fell apart last yeer aftur 3 changess inn leedership! An THE $money$ diss-appeered too! So now LadyMew helpss mee Aunty with THE feralss shee caress fore like they did beefore Recuse was set up.. Iss hard to get peepell to help it seemss….
Butt wee do our best ehre!
***purrsss*** BellaDharma