Grown up Cats
We show a lot of kitten photos,
but today we want to let our grown up cats know
how thankful we are for their love and friendship.

Thanks Elf for being so gorgeous
and for standing guard
so no one disturbs Dad’s afternoon nap on the couch.

Thank you Koala for the I-haven’t-had-a-treat-yet stare,
even though I just gave you treats 5 minutes ago,
I just love that stare!

Thanks Leila for the slow eye blink,
letting me know you still love me
every time I look up from my laptop.
How lovely they all are … yes, we adore all the little ones … but of course, the
big kids deserve to be shown off as well! Thank you!
such precious cuties!
They are so precious! 🙂 <3
Brian Frum
You three are really adorable and I’m glad you’re watching over everything. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
I remember when Elf was little!
guyz…. yur selfeez fotoz bee awesum and we iz thanx ful ta bee abe bull ta call ewe all friendz 🙂 ♥♥
Eastside Cats
Every time Sweetie climbs onto my chest while I’m laying down, makes me smile and give her smoochies! For a decade, she lived in the backyard, and now I can love on her as much as she wants to love on me, and it’s glorious!
Beautiful and sweet kitties, every one!
Lola The Rescued Cat
Gorgeous kitties. We also remember when Elf was little!
Timmy Tomcat
Lovely grown up photos of the family and we know they are pleased too
The Island Cats
Such good looking cats!
Melissa & Mudpie
Beautiful babies! I just got that treat stare from Mudpie an hour ago, earning her the second half of her squeezie MOL!
Ellen J Pilch
They are all so adorable. XO
Kittens are fun, but the cats, the cats, the marvelous adult cats, with their wonderful personalities and peccadillos and foibles, how i love the cats.
A ShutterBug Explores
Oh ~ you are all handsome Cats ~ great photos of you all ~ Xo
Living moment by moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Foley Monster, Pocket and River Song
You have quite the collection of beauties.
Yep, we grown ups are at least as adorable as the youngsters!
Elf, Koala and Leila, it’s so nice to see you all today. You are all such beautiful cats!