From old Gus

Some of you may remember old Gus, our Feral of 20 some odd years.
He passed a while back,
but not before we FINALLY got him inside during Snowmageddon.
Well, a friend of mine pointed out that a lot of our rescues look alike.
I’m guessing it was all because of old Gussy.
He was spreading his genes all over our neighborhood
long before we took care of that particular skill of his.
A lot of the strays we’ve rescued since have a striking resemblance to the old boy.

When you talk to Feral Caretakers,
you do find out that the clowder members often resemble the top Tom.
Interesting, isn’t it?
katie Isabella
*smile* yes, it seems so.
Eastside Cats
This post made me think of a famous quote from “The X-Files” episode Small Potatoes:
How would this happen?
The birds and the bees and the monkey babies, Mulder.
Story: women in a small town were giving birth to babies with tails, and the FBI was called in to investigate.
Well I am SURE that I am one of the genetic kitties from a large Tuxie who is still running around here, or maybe he actually passed on sone years ago, we are not sure, but I difinitely look like a couple of kitties who stroll our streets….
Old Gus, what a grand old cat guy he was! Oh yes, those other kitties do look like him! From two different face shapes among our feral-born Kittens, I think they had two different dads. Those guys both appeared briefly before moving on. One was long-furred; two Kittens are long-furred. (Mom was spayed and stayed with us but outside, she won’t come in.)
Ellen J Pilch
They do look like sweet Gus. XO
Brian's Home ~ Forever
Gus was such a specail and sweet dude, it’s a nice honor that so many look like him. We had that here too, our Old Man cat, as we called him, lives in most of our ferals today and it makes me smile to think of him. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Melissa & Mudpie
Awww he was a very busy boy! I’m so glad his precious babies found a safe home with you.
messymimi's meanderings
Interesting, but not at all surprising. The top boy, until he’s caught and fixed, has the most success with the ladies.
ruby rose and the big little angels 3
He is part of your forever family at the Bridge now.
The Island Cats
Gus lives on….
Three Chatty Cats
They most certainly do look like that handsome fella.
It seems your beloved Gus is still all around you.
They sure won the genetic lottery in terms of looks!
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