Eclipses and critters

Lub Muffin: We’re a week late,
but Mom wanted me to report on the recent eclipse.
Here in Texas, we got full eclipse totality
and it was amazing!

We had the local news on because it was a little cloudy
and we didn’t want to miss anything.
At the giraffe and ostrich enclosure at the zoo,
as soon as the eclipse started,
they ran in circles.
At the giant tortoise enclosure,
all of them started moving in one direction,
like they were migrating.
Here at home all the birds
in the neighborhood started singing
… it was strange.
For us kitties, we started clustering around the Mom
and she petted and talked nice to us so we calmed down.

Once we reached totality, it was DARK outside!
The porch light came on.
Mom went out to see if the cloud cover was gone and it was
– so she got to see it.

When she came back inside Simon started crying.
She picked him up and petted him until he calmed down.
Then when the sun returned
he went and sat with little Dulce.

All in all it was an amazing and strange experience.
And that’s it for the eclipse and critter report.
This is your furry reporter Lub Muffin signing off!
katie Isabella
Mom said to say that in 2017, we had totality here as well. 92% this time. Totality is a rare and awesome experience. Mom got to see shadow bands afterward… when the full sun was back pretty much .She had no idea in the world what it was she saw. She ran in and quickly wrote a description on Google and quickly found the answer.
Eastside Cats
What a fabulous experience you all had, and we had the same, even if we had to drive for awhile to get to 100% totality.
A very special event.
The Island Cats
Wow! That was amazing! Here we had almost totality, 99.7%, and while not as cool as what you saw, it was still really great.
A ShutterBug Explores
Wow! gorgeous eclipse photos and post ~ sweet and adorable kitties ~ hugs,
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
How fabulous, what striking pictures! Awww to Simon … We had 80-something percent but the day was cloudy so it just looked like a slightly grayer cloudy day, with no kitty reactions. In 2017 we had a partial, similar percent on a cloudless day and the light in the forest was extremely weird; I took pics and posted them. The next day we adopted an elderly street cat and named her Ultraviolet.
Oh, Dulce, how sweet of you to calm Simon and what amazing photos!!! PRIMO! Thank you for our visit to the eclipse.
Brian's Home ~ Forever
I’m so glad you got to see the eclipse, that is a WOW for sure. I missed it because I was in the hospital but I saw the one in 2017. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Ellen J Pilch
You are such cuties. Great eclipse photos. We didn’t have full totality. XO
messymimi's meanderings
It’s not too late at all, I enjoy hearing what people and animals experienced and am very glad your mom got to see it. We had rain.
Oh Man, these are the best pictures of the eclipse we’ve seen yet! Funny how all the critters react to such things.
Spectacular images, how lucky to have been in the path of this event …
Lub Muffin, that was a great report! How exciting it must have been for your Mom to see the eclipse. It sounds like it was a bit disorienting for your kitties and the animals at the zoo, but that you were okay when it was over. XO
da tabbies o trout towne
total lee awesum …toe tal a tee fotoz guyz !!! way kewl 🙂 ♥
Wow amazing photos
Great photos–a dud here at 20% with rain! Interesting about the animals.
Liam Aquarium
Thank you for the photos! I didn’t take any pictures…