Bald spot

Peaches: Erik got a bald spot.

Peaches: Does that look like male pattern baldness or what – MOL!

Erik is NOT amused!

Peaches: Whatever, the Peeps got it all fixed
and are making sure it doesn’t happen to anyone else, so all is well.
Cat Mom: We got Erik the treatment he needed
and his fur is growing back now.
We are so thankful we are able to find the right treatments
for when our kitties get weird stuff happen to them.
This was ringworm, yuck!

We were heartbroken to learn about sweet Dolly from Brian’s Home Blog.
That pretty kitty was such a joy for us to visit over the years.
Lots of tears were shed when we learned she crossed the Rainbow bridge.
Right after that, her Dad Terry was rushed to the hospital for surgery.
He is recoverying, but please click on the link below
to let them all know how much that they are loved.
Eastside Cats Blog
Egads, ringworm!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day and St. Gertrude’s Day to you and yours.
The Island Cats
Glad you’re doing better now, Erik. Ringworm is no laughing matter!
Glad that Erik’s little bald spot will resolve! We are heartbroken about the loss of Dolly, too. Happy St. Patrick’s and St. Gertrude’s Day to all!
I am glad you found a remedy for Erik’s bald spot! Happy St. Patrick’s Day.
YEOW DOOD…thatz KNOT de kinda wermz ya wanna haz ore keep…fishin wermz yez, but knot theez…..glad ewe iz doin way better 🙂 ♥♥
Ellen Pilch
Ringworm is very contagious- glad you caught it before anyone else got a bald spot. XO
Thought he might be thinking of moving into a monastary as a monk__Friar Erik
Ringworm is a beast. We’ve battled it before, and sometimes it battles back. Prayers that you get it gone for good very quickly!
Melissa & Mudpie
Poor little guy! Glad you’re on the mend.
Gidget Blue Sky
did sumwun gibz erik a noogee?
Three Chatty Cats
Glad the peeps were able to get the proper treatment!
Boo for ringworm! Yay for getting it all taken care of!
Little Binky and Granny
Glad you’re feeling better, Eric💗Healing Pawkisses for all of you🐾😽💞
BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum
EEEKKKK!!!! Ringywerm iss ucky!! Mee sorry you gotted it Erik!
An Peachess yore purrty funny all tho Erik was not amused!
Wee are furry sad sweet Dolly went to Purr Land. Shee was a lovelee kitty girl <3
**purrss** BellaDahrma an ((hugss)) bellaSita Mum