I, June, love to sit by my window ~ however: one day it is open, the next day closed. Beneath if the thingy that blows out “air”. I don’t like that “air” blowing on me when I sit there! It messes up my pretty furs which I take much pride in grooming. When the window is open that “air” does not blow. When the window is closed that “air” does blow. I cannot figure it all out. It bothers me.
We feel ya, Suki. We got up to almost 60 last week. Yesterday was snow and ice, and today the high is 20. Stay warm, cool, and everything in between, sweet one.
Beeuteefull Suki yore Selfie iss amazin!!!!
Wee have same cray-cray weather up here two.
Winter sure iss confused!
**purrss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) BellaSita Mum
We don’t know what to make of the weather either. One day it’s sunny and We think Spring is here at last – and the next day, it’s freezing cold and rainy, like today.
I, June, love to sit by my window ~ however: one day it is open, the next day closed. Beneath if the thingy that blows out “air”. I don’t like that “air” blowing on me when I sit there! It messes up my pretty furs which I take much pride in grooming. When the window is open that “air” does not blow. When the window is closed that “air” does blow. I cannot figure it all out. It bothers me.
Cecilia Upchurch
Suki pretty friend,
should you find the answer to staying warm in the yo-yo weather please share.
Hugs Cecilia
We’re having the same problem. Our fur doesn’t know whether to shed or not. Purrs, Snoops and Kommando Kitty
We feel ya, Suki. We got up to almost 60 last week. Yesterday was snow and ice, and today the high is 20. Stay warm, cool, and everything in between, sweet one.
Eastside Cats Blog
Another snowstorm is ending here, and the temps are supposed to climb to above freezing.
Last night, the windchill was in single digits!
Cat and DOG Chat With Caren
like someone else said on their blog, our weather is “psycho”. One day warmer, next day snow!!! You are beautiful Suki!
A little rain, a little sun, mild, same as always. Can always find a good hour to go outside in the catio for some grass.
BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum
Beeuteefull Suki yore Selfie iss amazin!!!!
Wee have same cray-cray weather up here two.
Winter sure iss confused!
**purrss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) BellaSita Mum
Marjorie at Dash Kitten
What a pretty girl you are. Our weather is fine and warm thank you and lots of sun puddles for the kitties!
Ellen Pilch
Just stay inside where it is always the same temp.
The J-Cats
We don’t know what to make of the weather either. One day it’s sunny and We think Spring is here at last – and the next day, it’s freezing cold and rainy, like today.
It’s cold again here, but the longer we can put off air conditioner season, the happier i am!
Melissa & Mudpie
6″ of snow yesterday! I love your nose
Athena and Marie
One day freezing the next mild!