Rapscallion Laundry Day

Cupcake: You’re not really thinking of folding laundry on the bed are you?

The Rapscallions are not going to let you fold laundry!

Cookie: Go ahead, drop that laundry on the bed,
we’ll be good.

Scout: Please lady, dump that basket, we’ll help!
Cat Mom: That’s what I’m afraid of …

maybe if I turn on the ceiling fan,
you’ll get distracted.

Puddin: Until we figure out we can watch the fan AND help!
Cat Mom: My little helpers … sigh.
Brian Frum
That’s a mighty cute bunch of helpers and we loved that video gang!
The Swiss Cats
Those are the cutest little helpers ! Purrs
Oh my, they are so cute when they’re helping!
Erin the Cat Princess
Mrs H would have a fit if I did that! Mind you kids can get away with anything, cant they, MOL
Timmy Tomcat
Such fun from a simple thing. We sure like helping with laundry
MOL. Nice job with helping, Rapscallions! What would Mom do without you?
What an adorable bunch! Those sweet faces, Just love’em all. Mama Cupcake did so well.
The Florida Furkids
Such great helpers!
The Florida Furkids
Eastside Cats
Life is too short not to allow the cats to ‘help’!
The smiles are worth the extra time…
Ellen Pilch
They are all such cuties. I love the big ears on Puddin.
BellaDharma an LadyMew
Mew mew me yore littel Rapscallion helpurrss are so cute Cat Mom! LadyMew iss doin a bit of laundry too an mee wuud love to ‘help’ her butt shee waitss till mee iss nappin 😉
Even at 8 yeerss old there iss still a littel black Rapscallion left inn mee too…..
**purrss** BellaDharma
Pee S: Cat Mom you have a nice voice!
A little cat hair on the laundry, especially the towels is good for you!
The Dash Kitten Crew
LOL They are SOOO willing to help – right? Bless their little hearts!!! 😉
Tom Fishworthy
They’re helping just by being cute! – Tom x
Mighty cute helpers you have there. We’re glad you have helpers.
Athena and Marie
Look at those adorable little faces!
A ShutterBug Explores
What a sweet group of laundry helpers ~ awesome photos too!
Be Well, Be Safe,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Melissa & Mudpie
Those purrfect little faces!!!
Melissa & Mudpie
Those purrfect little faces!
Mark's Mews
Yeah, we demand a laundry dump while his clothes are warm…
We get that kind of “help”, too. Le sigh!
Little Binky and Granny
MOL…you all look so cute in your selfie, sweeties. Now, do you want to earn some money, we sure could need some help over here too…MOL😸Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday🐾😽💞