Pip has gone

Our precious Pip has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
He was only 8 months old.
We are heartbroken.

Pip was the last fur I petted before going to sleep at night
and the first fur I petted every morning when I woke up.
He loved to snuggle his Mom.
And his Mom loved her sweet boy so very much.

He was born with ‘swimmer legs’, and was such a brave little boy.
When Cat Dad would put on his splints and do his physical therapy,
he would just trust that his Dad had to do what he had to do
and he would fall asleep in his Dad’s lap as his splints were put on.
He loved his Dad and his Dad loved him right back.
After 2 days of splints, our little brave boy was walking!

He soon made friends and became one of the P Musketeers!
Pip, Puddin and Penelope were inseparable.

They played together, ate together, snuggled and napped together.

Everyone loved little Pip.

We don’t know what caused his death.
Thursday night, every muscle in his body started shaking uncontrollably.
Even though this must have been frightening to our little Pip,
when we came to him and talked calmly, trying to comfort him,
that high whistling Pipper Purr came out loud and strong, he was trying to comfort us.
Once that purr stopped, so did his precious little heart and he was gone.
We don’t know if he hit his head, if he ate something or what.
There was a bite at the back of his neck that was slightly infected
that might have caused it as it was so near his spine,
but we just don’t know.

Every night before falling asleep,
I would reach out and pet the Pippers and say,
‘I love you to the moon and back my boy’.
I still do and always will.
Oh no! This is so sad to find out first thing this morning. We are heartbroken for you, and the unexpectedness of Pip’s passing only adds to the sadness. Please accept our sincerest sympathy, purrs and purrayers. I think dad’s eye leaked a little. He holds a special place in his big mushy heart for panthers. Our hearts go out to you.
A brave and handsome little one, lost too soon. We remember his courageous
efforts at walking and his success … may he forever be at peace … and run free
on strong legs, with a strong heart.
For you and Cat Dad, our purrs of sadness go forth.
Brian Frum
Oh how I hate to see that your precious Pip has gone, we’re sad beyond words here. He was an immediate fan favorite and we fell in love with him as soon as we saw that sweet face. Hugs and love from all of us.
Brian Frum
Oh how I hate to see that your precious Pip has gone, we’re sad beyond words here. He was an immediate fan favorite and we fell in love with him as soon as we saw that sweet face. Hugs and love from all of us.
My heart aches for you and my eyes are leaky. May his memory bring comfort.
The Swiss Cats
Oh no, we’re so sorry to hear of the sudden loss of your brave little Pip ! We send you comforting purrs and gentle headbonks. Purrs
This is heartbreaking, I am so sad for you. What a little sweetie Pip was. Tears, purrs, and hugs. I hope you can find comfort in good memories.
This brought a tear to my eyes! RIP sweet Angel Pip.
BellaDharma an LadyMew
Dear Catscue Mom~~I have no words~~ust tears rolling down my face as I type. Pip was doing so well. He was so like ‘angel’ Purrince Siddhartha Henry inn many ways & I totally relate to the bond you & Pip had…
Please accept our deepest condolences on the loss of Piper <3
May he run free in Pure Land. And may all of you there remember Pip with Love forever.
(((hugs))) Sherri-Ellen
& ~~head rubsss~~BellaDharma~~
So sorry to hear of the loss of little Pip.
Oh no! I’m typing this through my tears, and in shock at the untimely passing of your beloved Pip. His amazing nature and the incredible bond you shared was so clear through your posts. Through them, we, too, fell in love with your little housepanther. We are so very sorry. Sending you love, purrs and prayers, dear friends.
Ellen Pilch
This is such sad news. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. XO
The J-Cats
We are so sad to read this, this morning. Such a shock!
We send you soft purrs and kitty kisses of condolence and comfort.
Poor little furbaby!
Run free now, Pip, on strong, healthy legs, safe in the Paw of the Great Cat in the Sky. One day, you and your Humans will all be reunited. Watch over them till then.
Lola The Rescued Cat
We’re so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, Pip. We know you’ll still be there in spirit for your mom to say goodnight to.
A ShutterBug Explores
My heart is aching for you and little Pip ~ so sad to lose him ~ lots of healing energy hugs to you and family ~ XO ~ Pip was so courageous and adorable and hard to lose such a sweet fur person ~ There are no words. It hurts.
Living moment by moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Pip. Sending you comfort with purrs and prayers.
Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon & Barb
It is difficult to imagine this little angel is no longer there. We are profoundly saddened by this news. A tiny bud was plucked and sent over the bridge too soon. We know there is a Pip sized hole in your hearts. We send you love, virtual hugs and strength. Love Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Barb
hairballs and hissyfits
I am so so very sorry to hear about little Pip. He was clearly such a great kitty. Sending you lots of love
Tears flood my heart for you, prayers and hugs are surrounding you and your family. I was in love with him too! May Grace carry you through the tidal waves of grief. Much Love, Deborah
Cecilia Upchurch
I am so very sorry to read about you brave Pip….
Precious friend
Incredibly brave
Peace and sunpuddles furever, are my wishes for you dear one
hairballs and hissyfits
Not sure if my response went though but want to say how sorry i am about Pip! (for some reason I can only access your site on Chrome not FIrefox)
My mom and I are so-o very sorry that lil’ Pip is not longer with you on this earth. Mom teared up reading this post ’cause it reminded her of our very dear furiend that lived next door that shared the same name; she went OTRB a couple of years ago and we miss her every day. Sending our purrs of sympathy to you and your family.
The Florida Furkids
This is heartbreaking. We’re so sorry Pip has gone to the Bridge. He sure was a brave little boy.
The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon
Service Cats U.S.
We’re so sorry fur your loss. Pip was such a cutey. We’re sending big hugs and lots of purrayers.
Luvs ya’
RaenaBelle and mommy A
Mary McNeil
Oh ! I am so sorry to read this ! He was so loved and so loving ! Because of you and Cat Dad he was able to go on to his next adventure stepping out high and proud. We are heartbroken that he had to go so soon.
The Island Cats
Oh no! I am so so sorry to hear Pip is gone. How sad for you and the other cats! Though he wasn’t here long, he certainly left his pawprints on your heart. I send you many comforting purrs and gentle headbutts. 🙁 ~Ernie
This is so heartbreaking, and so unfair. The little guy was just getting the hang of Life, when the Angels said they wanted him. We at Wonderpurr are so very sad for your loss. Tight hugs from us all.
Molly the Airedale
I am so very sorry for your loss. Pip was such a cutie and way too young. Hugs to all of you♥
Melissa & Mudpie
I’m shocked and absolutely devastated! He was such a darling, brave little boy. I’m so, so sorry. Sending bucket loads of purrs and love your way.
Mark's Mews
We are all so sorry here to read that Brave Pip had to leave you. Our Best Purrs Of Comfort…
The Dash Kitten Crew
Oh my dear Friends,
How can words help in the face of such heartbreak.
You have lost a sweet cat of such tremendous courage and commitment to love and his family. His loss is grievous and he broke my heart too.
Foley Monster, Pocket and River Song
You are now undertaking the long journey through grief. While others may share that grief we all walk it alone. There are no right or wrong paths, no proper way to carry oneself on the trek, no set amount of time to complete it. Some steps will come easier than others. There will be rogue waves of grief that you won’t see coming, and knock you back days. But you will come through it. If you get lost let us know. We have been through it before and we might be able to help you find the way out.
ATCAD ~Scylla, Chimera, Yin, Yang, Fenris & Tuiren
We are so very sorry to hear about Pip. Purrs of comfort and paws of sympathy from all of us here at ATCAD
Gidget Blue Sky
owr bwave liddle swimmer, i gess dey needed yoo up in heben to gibz swimmy lessunz
So sorry that your sweet, precious Pip had to leave you so soon….way too soon.
He was such a brave little dude and so full of the joy of life.
Fly free and strong, Pip!
I’m so very sorry for your loss of sweet, loving Pip. To lose a pet so young, and one that you have so diligently cared for must be heartbreaking. Hopefully your wonderful memories of him will sustain you through this difficult time. Pip will forever be a part of your soul.
I am so sorry. He looked adorable.
Little Binky and Granny
Oh, no! So sorry of the loss of your sweet little Pip. He was such a brave boy and it breaks our heart to hear this sad news😿 Soft Pawkisses to comfort you all🐾😽💞
Fly free beautiful Soul. Until we meet again✨✨✨
Darla M Sands
My heart aches for you. Blessings to all.
Timmy Tomcat
This is the saddest news! We send our purrs and prayers of support to you all. It is so devastating to lose any one of our family but he was so young and this was so sudden we are crying along with you. Dear Pip was loved and he knew it and none of us know how long we may have so we are glad he was with you and will live in your hearts from now on. Fly free dear Pip and watch over your family and all of us from heaven
We are so sorry for your loss and at a young age. He will be missed. We wish you well and wish you our sympathy.
Kathe W.
Oh dear- this is just too sad. Pip was such a brave and lovely kitty- and you were the best for him. Our deepest condolences to you. Our hearts are broken too.
Grr, Midnight & Cocoa's Family
We’re so sorry for the loss of this precious baby. What a special little boy Pip was, but how wonderful that his life, though way too short, was filled with so much love. We had a similar loss years ago and it just doesn’t seem fair that some kitties become angels too soon. Purrs and love from all of us.
Eastside Cats
I am heartbroken for you.
Farewell, Angel Pip…you loved hard in your short time on Earth.
Hugs and purrs.
So sorry for the loss of Little Pip 🙁 we are heart broken to hear the news.
You and Little Pip were so lucky to have found each other. Wishing you comfort and peace during this difficult time.
da tabbies o trout towne
pip; we know St Francis stayed by your side, every step of the way, on your journey to heaven. we are beyond sorry and are at a loss for words. we send you hugs and loves and we send as many to your mom, dad and family still here on earth. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ daisy, tuna, mackerull, dude, sauce and boomer
this is just beyond heartbreaking. I have no words that adequately convey how sad and sorry I am. Only 8 months old. Not fair. It’s hard enough when there is an unexpected passing and they are older, but to be only 8 months old, it’s just unfathomable. I am so deeply, deeply sorry……wish I could give you a hug. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Ivan and Izzy from WMD
We are so very sorry for the loss of your little boy. We feel your heartbreak.
John Bellen
This is very sad. I am most sorry to read it. A loss of a loved one is always heart-rending, but when it is a brave little life barely begun, it is even worse. But Pip had the best of lives while he was with you. A few months of love and happiness, security and fun, is too short a time, but long enough to remember for eternity. And he will remember, and meet you again one day. Godspeed, Pip.
Oh, oh, oh, so sad, we are sending you love and hugs for that darling sweet kitty who left. We hope so much he did not suffer long. A terrible shock to all of you. And what a sweetie pie, just too sweet for words. Courage…
Katie Isabella
Fly free precious loved …very loved,Pip. Mom and I send our warm love and hugs to your dad and mom.
Mickey's Musings
Oh noes!!
I am so very sorry to see this news. Even though I did not know dear Pip, it is sad to see
a little kitty(especially a black one) cross his Bridge so soon.
Mum and I send you lots of love and comforting purrs.
Purrs, Julie
Jan K
We are so very sorry for your loss of sweet Pip. You did so much for him, and he knows how much he was loved, even if he was only here for a short time. ♥
Three Chatty Cats
Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about Pip! What a darling he was. Sending lots of love and hugs.
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