Farewell Grand Old Gus

Our old feral Patriarch Gus has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

He lived for over 20 years, most of which as a Feral cat.
He brought countless scared, starving, homeless cats to our backyard for sanctuary.
We watched one time as he and a Feral Mama
carried her six tiny kittens one-by-one
across the street
and over our fence to our backyard.

He was a fierce protector of his clowder as his scarred old faces shows.
When Snowmaggedon hit Texas,
he let us lure him inside for the first time.

That old battle-cat became a kitten sitter.
Those kits LOVED old Gus.

He got his first toy and played with it like a kit.
In his new sanctuary across The Rainbow Bridge,
I’m sure that within minutes
he became the Patriarch there too.
No cat has been braver, kinder or more loving than our Gus.

We are so honored to have had such a beautiful being in our lives for over 2 decades.
My wish for this world is to have more like Gus; fiercely protecting the vulnerable
and giving more than they receive.
Wouldn’t the world be a much better place?
Run free now, beyond your rainbow …
What an amazing story about Angel Gus! RIP and run free!
What a special and amazing cat Gus was, and what an indelible mark he left on your hearts and lives. Thank you for loving him so much. Sending you gentle purrs and hugs as you miss your special mancat. Fly free, Gus. You are loved and cherished always.
The Island Cats
I’m sorry to hear about Gus. Sending you many comforting purrs.
What a beautiful, heartfelt tribute! 🙂 <3
So sorry to hear about the loss of your Gus. He sounds like a grand old guy indeed. This is a wonderful tribute to him.
Brian Frum
That’s so very sad. What a special guy Gus was and such a great big sweetie behind all of those battle scars. Yes, we all need more like Gus, such a lovely tribute. Hugs from us.
Ellen J Pilch
Such sad news. Gus was such a sweetheart. I am so sorry for your loss. XO
BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum
OMC wee are so choked up Catscue Mom….
Deerest Gus wee know you wre THE bestest man cat efurr. An to live ferally fore so long was amazin. Wee were do happy when you came innside an beecame THE Kitt Sitter!
Wee will allwayss think of you as “Grande Old Gus”….
Happy Meowmy Day Catscue Mom….
Wee know it must bee furry bittersweet today.
May all yore memeoreess an fotoss bee a comfert to you now an inn future….
gentell **paw kissess** BellaDharma an gentell ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum
The Swiss Cats
We’re so sorry for your loss, Gus was such a special cat. Beautiful tribute. Purrs
The Florida Furkids
Fly free sweet Gus.
Melissa & Mudpie
I’m so, so sorry for your loss. What an amazing little guy your Gus was. You are so right…what a wonderful world it would be with more kind souls like Gus.
Cat and DOG Chat With Caren
this was a beautiful tribute to what was obviously one special kitty. I’m so sorry for your loss, but I love how you acknowledged how blessed you were to have him for over two decades! What an incredibly special kitty. Gus you were one fabulous cat! xoxo
Cecilia Upchurch
I am so sorry to read about your handsome Patriarch Gus. The story about the feral Mom and Gus carrying the kittens across the street touched my heart. Bless his gentle soul.
Run free and may your days be full of sun and now worries
Hugs Cecilia
Oh, what an incredible kitty/patriarch/protector/leader/father figure/loving member of your beautiful family. We are so sad for you all. There are never any words that help at these times. Just know we are thinking of you.
Mary McNeil
Those old tomcats can be pretty amazing – and so gentle, despite all their battle scars. We have an old guy here now that we are pampering for the first time in his long life. Purrs as Gus goes on to meet a lot of his friends ! He certainly knew – and gave – much love.
My eyes are all leaky, i wish all of us, human and feline, could be more like Gus.
Darla M Sands
I have the same feelings as MessyMimi. My heart goes out to your family.
Marjorie and Toulouse
Oh what a guy, what a cat! He has been a beacon and a guide for so many hasn’t me. Bless his sweet heart and I am so glad he let you invite him inside.
Eastside Cats Blog
Farewell, Angel Gus.
What a lovely mankitty you were.
Hugs and purrs to your Earth family.
Mark's Mews
Gus was a Special Cat. That he lived so long is impressive. That he lived so long having been feral for many years is astonishing. And that he was willing to learn to live inside, showed his adaptability. His kindness to younger cats shows that being feral does not make a cat mean or self-centered. We know how much you will miss him…
Little Binky and Granny
Oh, how sad😿A cat with a mission, mission accomplished here on Earth sweet, awwdorable Gus. Fly free beautiful Soul✨
Soft Pawkisses to comfort you all🐾😽💞
What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful cat. We are sorry that we never got to know you, Gus. We send lots and lots of loving hugs to your family and friends♥
AWW! Sorry to hear about Gus RIP Angel Gus the incredible (=⚈ᆽ⚈=)
Memories of Eric and Flynn
Gus was an amazing boy. I send my condolences and hugs.
Gidget Blue Sky
purrzz………. gus yoo iz special, now yoo can take care ov kittenz in heaben
gus, you are one handsome; total lee awesome tuxie. we send loves and hugs to you, and to your mom, dad and family you leave behind here on earth. please tell everyone there in heaven we send loves also. we are truly sorry ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Kimberley Koz
We at It’s a Wonderpurr Life are truly sad to learn Gus has passed. We’ve had several battle-scarred toms enter our lives and become surrogate dads to the younger ones. We celebrate those like you who take a chance on a feral and give them the life they deserve, even if they never fully domesticate. It’s a privilege to share our lives with these cats. I’ve learned so much from them, and shed a few tears over your loss of Gus. He is worthy of being celebrated both here on earth and over the rainbow bridge.
Dear Gus had such a wonderful purpose in life, and one that was well lived too. I am so very sorry for your loss, but his legacy will live onward and thank you for taking such good care of him all these year. Farewell Gus.
Marvelous Marv
Gus is a Grand Cat! We know that he will be soon taking care of those who come too soon (like Pip), and those who have to wait for their Peeps. We know you will miss his gentleness and love. Cinnamon wants to thank you for your kind words. She is getting better. She is still scared when Mom changes her bandages and she is not looking forward to her followup appointment with the vet today. We send you Puurayers, Purrs, Head Butts, Love and Strength. Purrs Marv (and Mom).
A ShutterBug Explores
Oh Gus ~ so sad to see you leave us ~ You were an awesome kitty ~ fond memories for your family and all the feral kitties ~ Xo
Wonderful tribute to Gus ~ Xo
Wishing you good health, laughter and love,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
I’m so sorry to hear about Gus. He was such a beautiful soul. I’m glad that you got to spend some time with him. He knew how loved he was. His memory does make the world a better place.
John Bellen
What a life-scarred old face Gus had, and what a heart. Godspeed, old Gus.
The J-Cats
We are so sorry to learn of Gus’s passing.
Fly free, Gus, safe in the Paw of the Great Cat in the Sky. You have earned your rest with honour.
Three Chatty Cats
I’m so sorry to hear about Gus. What a wonderful boy he was.
Kitties Blue
Man cats can be the most loving and giving. Our Mau would have given any of our other cats the fur off his back. Gus was lucky to have you and vice versa. We pray his passing was easy, and we send all our love, hugs, prayers and purrs as you grieve. We know you will hold him forever in your hearts. 💓😻💖💗 XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet
Service Cats U.S.
Kittens!! We just saw this. We’re so sorry fur your loss. Gus sounds like an amazing mancat. He will be missed. You’re right, it would be a much better place ifin more were like him. We’re sending hugs and purrayers.
Luvs ya’
RaenaBelle, Zebby, and mommy A
Oh, you and Gus were blessed to have found one another!