What about Bob?
Elf: Hey Mom, there’s someone at the door!
Cat Mom: That’s Bob, he’s come for dinner.
Bella: We’ve eaten, but What About Bob?
Cat Mom: Not to worry,
I’ve been feeding Bob breakfast and dinner for years,
I’ll get him fed.
Cat Mom: Bob is one of our two remaining ferals that we caretake.
He is a sweet old thing, but no petting!
Are you a Feral Caretaker for a clowder?
If you are, more power to you Superheroes out there!
If not, you might want to consider doing so,
there is nothing more rewarding
than being a Feral Caretaker.
Tom Fishworthy
Bob knows where to go to be happy – a good meal and a nice nap. Thanks for being so good to him! – Tom x
A ShutterBug Explores
Aww ~ Mom, Dad and Kitties are so good taking care of the feral cat ~ Bob ~ sweet photos ^_^
Live each moment with love,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
guyz !!! 984 paws UP two yur mom; we iz pawsitive bob iz most apurreciativez 🙂 ♥♥
wavez two ewe bob frum de land oh fish ~~
That’s a beautiful thing that you’re doing! God Bless your precious heart! 🙂 <3
Brian Frum
Bob does look like such a sweet guy. Our feral Zelda is our oldest gal, she is really the only one of our ferals that runs towards Dad instead of away from him. She wants no petting either though.
Athena and Marie
Aww… Bob is a handsome guy!
Eastside Cats
Although my feral clowder is now down to one, and that PO’M allows petting, and lap sitting, and hair licking…he’s still outside, and I adore him! TNR is too important; I will always participate, and encourage others too.
Kathe W.
Lucky Bob! Our Lucy was a feral kitty but she decided to come in and live with us! She’s a great cat! Have a lovely day!
We feed several ferals, whoever shows up. None of them are friendly at all, but most stay in the yard where they are safe, thankfully. Two of them are the parents of the kittens who are now part of our indoor clowder.
Cecilia Upchurch
Bob is so very handsome and so very LUCKY to be cared for by you. He is a big boy looks to be Maine Coon or at least have some in his DNA!!
Hugs Cecilia
The Island Cats
It’s nice that you take care of Bob.
I’m impressed with your tolerance of Bob. I have a neighbor kitty that I’m used to, but I wouldn’t want her right up in my face like that. Bob is lucky to have your mom taking care of him.
Mary McNeil
Good for Bob – and for you !
Melissa & Mudpie
Bob looks like a real sweetheart! Thank you for taking care of him.
Ellen Pilch
Bob is a handsome guy. How kind of you to take care of him.
While i do not do feral caretaking (we have others in the area who do), i work with several people who do that through the cat shelter. Thank you for doing this important work.
The Swiss Cats
Bob is lucky to have you taking such good care of him. Purrs
Little Binky and Granny
What a sweetheart Bob is and you’re all so good for him. That warms our heart💗Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday🐾😽💞
Aww, Bob looks like a good guy! Thank you so much for taking such good care of him for all these years. XO
Three Chatty Cats
I’m glad Bob has you to keep him well fed and cared for.
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