Here is our Caturday Art entry.

And now for today’s drama …

Emmett: Treats are missing from this picture.

Fox: I don’t see any in this picture either.

Simon: Mom, I think you forgot the treats.
Cat Mom: We’re trying to cut down on the treats this week. The cats have trained us so well, we didn’t realize how many treats we were giving out until we ran out quicker than usual.

Emmett: Looks like they’ve caught on, darn!
This is a BLOG HOP! We’re joining the Blog Hops on The Cat Blogosphere!

Erin the Cat
A great piece of Saturday art, but I still can’t see any treats in that either…
Purrs for treats
Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
So clever!
Brian Frum
Very cool art! We got a cutback in treats too.
Little Binky and Granny
Who can resist those eyes when they’re “asking”…MOL
Very nice artwork kitties
Pawkisses for a Happy Caturday

The J-Cats
What?! No treats?!
That’s not right. Not right at all!
Something needs to be done about that…
Memories of Eric and Flynn
Whaaat??? No treats!
The artwork is lovely.
Melissa & Mudpie
Keep trying and looking cute…I bet your mom will cave eventually!
Ellen Pilch
Such cuties. Sorry the humans caught on to the treats.
I think it’s time for some treats now. They all look like they’ve waited long enough!
Love the art! I’ve noticed that Mum has cut back on my treats too. Not fair!
Scylla, Fenris, Tuiren, YinYang & Chimera (ATCAD)
MOL, Mommy has been trying to get Tuiren to like inside so every time she came in on her own she gave her a treat. Now she comes in a 100 times a day. Mommy had to cut out the treats cause Miss Tui was getting FAT.