The eyes speak

These eyes say ‘Where’s my dinner already!”

These eyes say ‘What’d I do now?‘

These eyes say ‘Hey ladies, I’m available.’

These eyes say ‘Get that camera out of my face Momma!‘

These eyes say ‘I love you Momma‘.
This is our Caturday Art entry for today, it’s Ranger with a dreamy effect – I think he’s just dreamy all the time!

We’re joining the Caturday Art Hop on Athena Cat Goddess! Hop on and see the rest of the entries today.

Memories of Eric and Flynn
They all have expressive eyes.
Melissa & Mudpie
Everyone has such expressive eyes!
Brian Frum
Yes, we voted and the eyes have it!
Ellen Pilch
They are all adorable. And I have a lot of lady cats that would love to date you.
It’s true, we can see it clearly, sweet kitties. The eyes have it, for sure!
Scylla, Fenris, Tuiren, YinYang & Chimera (ATCAD)
Our eyes always say we are starving.
Cathy Keisha
TW sez Twoey’s eyes look like mine. The seem look of scorn.