The Cat Tax
Cat Dad tries to leave one room and go into another – doesn’t he know he has to pay the Cat Tax first?!

Panda Bear: You gotta pet me first!
Beth: No, pet me!
Suki: I have assumed the petting position … Kai, knock it off!
Kai: After I sniff Suki’s butt, you have to pet me Cat Dad.

Elf has observed this big cat behavior and joins in for a pet.
Poor Cat Dad will never get to leave the room at this rate!

The Florida Furkids
What a great idea….we need to try this with Mom.
The Florida Furkids
Eastside Cats
Oh my, look at how wee Elf looks compared to the grown-up cats! And did Cat Dad approve of you using his feets and legs in posting today?!? LOL!
A ShutterBug Explores
Oh too fun ~ the social behaviors of the sweet kitties ~
Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Ellen Pilch
Very clever and so adorable.
Timmy Tomcat
We do that a lot around breakfast and dinner but what a great idea to do it all day long!
Crystal And Daisy Mae
Great idea. I have a cat mug that states When all else fails… Pet the cat.
I’m not a robot!!
Brian Frum
Actually that all looks pretty normal to us MOL!
caren gittleman
“Cat Tax” good one!
The Swiss Cats
It looks like your dad doesn’t have enough hands to pet you all ! Purrs
Awww, so cute. It’s the way of things. They love their dad and he loves them back.
Sorry I’m so late today. We boated from Rio Vista back to our slip and then drove home.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥
Melissa & Mudpie
OMC look at how tiny little Elf is compared to everyone else!
We sometimes try to avoid the cat tax, but sneaking around does not work well.
Your blog keeps blocking my comments, saying i am a bot!
Awww this is so adorable! 😀 <3
Hairballs and Hissyfits
Very high cat tax around here too!
The best time ever 🙂
Great idea with the cat tax !! So far it was always free here ! That will change !!
Lone Star Cats
Sounds like our house!
Ha! We have that cat tax here, too! It must be a universal tax for everyone who has kitties! 🙂