Post Treat time

The kitties are happy after their treats.
Panda takes a bath in his treat bowl
while Gemma slowly starts to snooze.
Every day with treats is a happy day for the kitties.
What makes you happy on this Happy Tuesday?
The kitties are happy after their treats.
Panda takes a bath in his treat bowl
while Gemma slowly starts to snooze.
Every day with treats is a happy day for the kitties.
What makes you happy on this Happy Tuesday?
June is happy catching her mousie … but we’re happy seeing your sweet kitties today!
Haha. I spend a lot of time trying to get Ellie to eat, and inevitably, she ends up sitting on her plate or with her tail right through the food. I guess that’s one way to save some for later.
The Island Cats
Treat time is the best time!
Eastside Cats
And humans like their treats too, kitties!
We usually don’t bathe afterwards, though…
Oh, the darlings brighten our days. ALWAYS. And such healthy kitties with lovely fur.
Panda, innovative treat bowl use! Snoozing works well too, Gemma! (Mary) Shelley came to look and is now making biscuits. All this makes us happy!
messymimi's meanderings
Treat time is always happy time. They can con my Sweetie into too many treat times, though.
Brian's Home ~ Forever
Treats are alwaya a happy time and it’s pretty much the same here too, yum!
Ellen J Pilch
They are such cuties.
Treat time is definitely happy time here, too!
ruby rose and the big little angels 3
There is nothing like a post treat rest