Leila: I was abandoned, left in the cold, hungry. I was really scared! Then I found the Catscue backyard and there was food and shelter. Eventually, I let the humans come near me, then after some more time I let Cat Dad pick me up and bring me inside. It’s nice and cozy here.
Awww! When you haven’t had a good start and maybe people haven’t been so nice to you, it can take time for the good people to convince you. Anyway, i’m very glad you got convinced.
Okay, we’ve got to talk about that pose with the crossed paws, it’s so funny and self-assured. Good for you for all you do, wish there were more like you. I bet those kitties know how lucky they are. Congratulations to you and Leila for finding each other.
Brian Frum
Welcome home cutie, ya sure picked the right place to search for a home!
Lola The Rescued Cat
Well, Leila, you sure picked the right back yard to go into! Smart girl! We’re so glad you’re inside now.
Cecilia Upchurch
Lelia you are one lucky Tortie…
Hugs Cecilia
Leila, you’re a beautiful “tortie” kitty. I’m sorry happy you allowed Cat Dad to bring you inside.
The Swiss Cats
What a cutie ! Welcome home, Leila ! Purrs
Melissa & Mudpie
OMC she is exquisite!!! So, so happy to meet you, Leila!
Melissa & Mudpie
OMC she is exquisite!!! So, so happy to meet you, Leila!
Melissa & Mudpie
OMC she is exquisite!!! So, so happy to meet you, Leila!
Melissa & Mudpie
OMC she is exquisite!!! So, so happy to meet you, Leila!
Melissa Lapierre
OMC she is exquisite!!! So, so happy to meet you, Leila!
Hairballs and Hissyfits
She is gorgeous!! Did she ever find teh right house to turn up in!
OMC! You’re a cutie pie, Leila! Your markings on your nose and your foot look like mine!
Awww! When you haven’t had a good start and maybe people haven’t been so nice to you, it can take time for the good people to convince you. Anyway, i’m very glad you got convinced.
Carry Loves Cats
What an absolutely gorgeous wee girl. Thanks for saving her! x
So glad you’re home, sweet Leila!
Three Chatty Cats
Oh my gosh, what a cutie you are, Leila!! I’m glad you’re inside now.
Melissa & Mudpie
Welcome, precious! OMC I’ve already fallen in love with you!
Okay, we’ve got to talk about that pose with the crossed paws, it’s so funny and self-assured. Good for you for all you do, wish there were more like you. I bet those kitties know how lucky they are. Congratulations to you and Leila for finding each other.