You definitely look furry snuggly,Leila. That is a furry impawtant part of a kitty’s job description. Mummy calls Us her furry hot water bottles (mol)..
You are a pretty girl, Leila.
Eric was a good alarm clock too. He used to bite his dad on the fleshy part of his nose. That soon woke him up, but thankfully he never did it to me.
Lone Star Cats
Kitties make the best alarm clocks!
Eastside Cats
Keeping your humans warm outweighs the early wake-up, right Leila?
The J-Cats
You definitely look furry snuggly,Leila. That is a furry impawtant part of a kitty’s job description. Mummy calls Us her furry hot water bottles (mol)..
Life with a nocturnal creature has some challenges.
Brian Frum
You are such a cutie alarm kitty!
The Florida Furkids
Mom says we’re great alarm clocks. For some reason, she doesn’t seem to appreciate it though.
The Florida Furkids
Timmy Tomcat
That is pretty funny Leila. We wait for Buddy to meow for his snack that way we dont get blamed MOL
Memories of Eric and Flynn
You are a pretty girl, Leila.
Eric was a good alarm clock too. He used to bite his dad on the fleshy part of his nose. That soon woke him up, but thankfully he never did it to me.
Melissa & Mudpie
Leila, you are one tortielicious tortie!
I love waking my mum up!
Ellen Pilch
You are a beauty Leila.
Kitties here have been bribed to let us sleep. If we don’t get awakened in the night, they get a treat first thing when we do wake up!
Cathy Keisha
You *are* pretty. You should try biting them. I woke TW up once by biting her eyeball. She woke up quickly.
ATCAD - Scylla, Chimera, Yin, Yang, Tuiren and Fenris
MOL Chimera wakes the humans up by tickling them with her tail. Which is their preferred wake up call. The rest of us just bite them.