
Timmy: I love sitting on Mom’s lap, I always learn something from Mom.
Her t-shirt says ‘Never too old for fairytales‘.
I asked her what fairytales were, so she sang me one.
She knew every word as it was her favorite story as a child.
This is what she sang to me,
although her voice is not quite as good as this one – MOL!
Viva Senior Del Gato!!
da tabbies o trout
wee small dood….de sound card on thiz pea sea iz mezzed up; we will hafta heer yur song when de gurl leevez werk !! itz nice yur mom can sing ewe songs !! ♫♫♪♫♪♫♪ ♥
A ShutterBug Explores
Oh Timmy ~ you are just so precious ~ what a sweetie and wonderful photo of you ~ Xo
Wishing you love and laughter in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Ellen Pilch
You are such a cutie.
Melissa & Mudpie
You are just too cute for words!!!
A funny story for a cute little guy, i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did.
Lone Star Cats
MOL, fish could get me to wake up too!
Katie Isabella
What a darling you are. I couldn;’ hear your song for some reqason but…seeing you makes up for that.
The Island Cats
Timmy, you are too cute for words.
A tiny bundle of joy!
You are such an adorable cutie Timmy! 🙂 <3
Timmy you are such a cutie! I enjoyed the video too! Loved the way the animated cats are drawn.
Meow meow meow how sweet a song! Was you voice that voice? Lovely.
BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum
Lookin mitey cute there littel Timmy!
Catscue Mom that iss a cute video an song…..
It so suitss yore timmy boy!
~~head rubss~~BellaDharma~~
an <3 BellaSita Mum <3