Did it again

June Bug: Yup, the peeps did it again,
they took in another litter to foster.
It’s exhausting.

This is Figaro, named after Geppetto’s cat in Pinnocchio.
He is fearless and spunky.

This is Geppetto, he follows Cat Mom around like a puppy.

Geppetto also loves to play.

This is Legs.
He was the first one up and walking
and now he bunny hops with the best of them.

Legs also loves belly rubs.
There are two more, Tiny and Spot,
but we can’t get good photos of them …
more to come!
Fr. Tom Fishworthy
They are so very cute!!! Looking forward to seeing more of them!
Happy March to you all!
Definitely aww-worthy
Well, no question that Figaro, Geppetto and Legs are adorable … however:
June Bug says, “can I please go back home now to Zoolatry?”
(Comment posted by June a/k/a June Bug a/k/a Juney)
Awww you are an Angel and they are precious!! Love that their names came from Pinocchio!!
Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat
These two look like handfuls [of fun … mostly].
A ShutterBug Explores
Wow! They are all so precious ~ and sweet names and what a blessing you are to have them and them to have you ~ Happy Monday to you ~
Living moment by moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
vco9g opash tr3d
Eastside Cats
We admire your people, for fostering kitties!
So much Awww! 🙂 <3
Just too precious, what cuties!
Brian Frum
Oh my, they are totally adorable!!!
Kathe W.
Darling kitties- your peeps are the best helping out the babies!
Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon & Barb
Cute kittens! June, we feel for you. We would be up in arms if our Peep brought home kittens…We send you our sympathy!
Junebug looks to be taking it in stride. The new kittens are all adorable but most kittens are!
Ellen Pilch
They are such cuties. God Bless your very kind folks. XO
Mary McNeil
Purrs to all !
The Island Cats
Aw, what cute kits they are!
Melissa & Mudpie
Precious babies! Your peeps are true angels.
Yes, it is exhausting to bottle raise fosters, but so worth it!
Your peeps are the BEST. We are so thankful for them, and for all they do to help these kittens get ready to find their happily ever afters. XO
BellaDharma an LadyMew
Concatulationss on yore mew litter of kittss to foster!!!
Wee look forwerd to meetinTiny an Spot an watchin THE kittss grow up!
**purrss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew
Three Chatty Cats
Squee! What cuties they are.