
Marley: Summer makes me happy with all the sunpuddles,
but my coat gets kind of skimpy.

This is me the rest of the year, Mom calls me a poofball.

I guess I’ll have to wait for Fall to come to get my poofball status back.
Here in Texas, Fall is still a good couple of months away.
Are any of you seeing signs of Fall yet?
Fall? What’s that?
Ellen Pilch
I think you look great. XO
messymimi's meanderings
The swamps don’t have signs of autumn quite yet, either. My poofballs don’t stay quite so poofy this time of year, either.
Brian Frum
Well, you really are most handsome! Nope, there’s no signs of fall around here either.
Melissa & Mudpie
You’re always beautiful though! Yes, we have some colored leaves on the ground (I’m in VT) and we’ve had some beautiful temps in the 60s and 70s, but next week we’re headed back to 90 š Yuck!
Eastside Cats
Sort of a bummer about your poofball status, Marley.
It comes then goes!
Around here, one can see some leaves beginning to turn color.
No fall here yet, but we’re pretty sure it’s coming! We hope you don’t have to wait to re-poofify.
katie Isabella
The Redbud trees are shedding ever so few leaves, but yellowed.
Wing Commander Basil & The B Team
Marley, mew look EPICALLY EPIC no matter the season! ā¤
Wow, you really areā¦erā¦were a puffball. But no hair in summer is good inTejas, non? Mama is from Houston. Hot!!!
The Florida Furkids
No Fall here in Florida.
Fall is a ways off for us, too. Marley you are gorgeous in either case, poof or non-poof!
I think fall is here in the Pacific Northwest. We didn’t get the super heat in the rest of the country in the summer. We are still pretty hairy!!
The Island Cats
Today it was only in the upper 60s! I guess that means fall must be coming.