
LB: The temperatures are finally below triple digits here.
We are inside cats, so the heat hasn’t affected us
as much as it has the Peeps.

Gabby Rose: The air conditioning isn’t going 24/7 anymore which is nice.
That cold, dry air is not good for my sinuses.

Gemma: Fall means watching the leaves fluttering down
and lots of new birds outside the windows … awww.
Fall coming with its cooler weather makes us very happy.
Record setting heat was stressful.
How is the weather where you are?
Cat and Dog Chat With Caren
our temps are very fall-like today which I love!! I agree that it is sooo nice to not have the air on 24/7!!! The kitties look happy too!!
Still fairly hot here though not as bad as it was. I don’t like the cold dry AC air either. What adorable kitty pictures!
A ShutterBug Explores
Adorable kitties and sweet photos ~ glad you had AC ~ it has been hot and humid in MA too ~ ever so slowly temps are lower and humidity leaving ~ Xo
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Ellen Pilch
Yiu are such cuties. Glad it is cooling off. XO
Brian Frum
Hooray for cooler temps, y’all have sure had some brutal heat down there. It’s been dang hot here but the last few days have been really nice.
Melissa & Mudpie
It’s been wet and humid, but drier weather and cooler temps are predicted starting on Thursday. Paws crossed!
ruby rose and the big little angels 3
I don’t think our AC is ever going to be shut off
messymimi's meanderings
We seem to be out of the triple digits as well, and are very thankful for it.
This weather has been tough on all of us.
Aww, looking good, cool indoor kitties! We’ve had lots of heat (though not like yours) and humidity, and very unsettled weather this summer. We love the fall, but we are not fans of the cold during the winter.
The Island Cats
It’s much cooler here too!
Oh, three more “cool” cats…so beautiful.
da tabbies o trout towne
wavez everee one… we NOE ewe iz all
buzzed happee for kewler weatherz, itz been
what…361 in de shade yur way for like for ever ‼️🥵 happee week a head 💚🍀🐟
BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum
Little Beauty an Gabby Rose an Gemma youss’ all look so chill-axed!!! Gabby Rose mee sorry THE A-Cee driess out yore cute nose! An furry hppy tempyturess are comin down!
Out weather iss cray-cray!!! They meow “Sun” an it rainss! They meow “Rain” an Sun shiness….It can bee hot an hue-mid inn daytime an then so chilley at nite wee have THE HEET ON!?!?!?!? HUH??? Heet on this early???
Furry furry bee-zarr!!
Take guud care mee frends…
~~head rubss~~BellaDharma~~ an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum
We live in Michigan. We were lucky this summer and missed most of the heat. It’s definitely fall now.