An update

Barbie: A while back we told everyone about switching from clumping litter
to horse bedding pellets.
It was cheaper, good for the environment, etc.

Zoey: Well, the last bag we bought and put in the litter boxes
apparently had fruit fly eggs
and the things hatched and were everywhere.

Zoey: Mom was not happy.
So, we’re back to regular clumping litter
and everyone is happy.
Cat Mom: I thought we should give you an update on horse bedding pellets
in case someone was thinking of switching.
Doing the right thing for the environment is important,
but be careful of the sources of pine litter – don’t just go with the cheapest.
We certainly learned our lesson.
That sounds like a nightmare!
Mary McNeil
Wow ! Something we never would have thought of ! Thanks for the tips ! (as Groucho Marx said “Time flies like an arrow and fruit flies like bananas.” Sorry – couldn’t resist !)
We never did try it (thanks to more info from you, mainly our lack of space). But we did try several brands of paper litter. Very good environmentally, and not costly at all. For us, it did have a few downsides, but for some it might be the right choice and worth testing.
katie Isabella
I will need to keep on with what I have. But thank you sincerely for the advice and info.
da tabbies o trout trout towne
guyz….we had nother friend that happened
two…bugz waz everee wear…thanx mew for
sharin thiz everee one can dee side bout
ther boxez…de gurl had thoughtz one time
bout sand, but we had ta forgetaboutit coz
we troo lee due knot live bye de sea 🐟🐟💙
The Island Cats
Yikes! What a mess! Thanks for letting us know.
Wow, I would never have expected fruit flies … The litter I liked best was the recycled news print paper. But the hubs prefers the clumping clay.
A ShutterBug Explores
Sweet photos of you precious kitties ~ Xos
Oh dear ~ we have all made that mistake ~ going with the bargain stuff ~ glad that is done ~
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Brian's Home Blog
Oh my, what an ordeal that had to be but at least everyone is happy again and that’s always a good thing!
Ellen J Pilch
That sounds awful. We just use Walmart clay littler.
messymimi's meanderings
I know someone who uses the pine pellet litter but she buys the bags which are specifically marketed for cats and has never, ever had this problem in over 10 years. It’s probably the brand and quality control which counts, you might try again with the cat specific pine.
Melissa & Mudpie
Oh my…that must’ve been horrible! Thank you for letting us know.
Oh no! We thank you for trying to do what’s best for the environment, but eww on those fruit flies.
Eastside Cats
BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum
EEEEKKKKKKK!!!!! Fruit Flyss’ all over????? That iss ucky Barbie an Zoey!!!
Mee stick with mee Tidy Catss Litewait litter…. 😉
t was a GUUD idea Cat Mom; sorry it did not werk out……
***purrss*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum