A call for help

Beth: Our Peeps have been rescuing abandoned cats
on their own dime for over 35 years.

Emmitt: They put up a Paypal donate button on our website a few years ago
and want to thank all who have donated over that time.

Fergie: I have to have meds twice a day,
and there are others here who do as well.
The cost of food, litter, Vet bills and meds keep going up
and the Peeps are having trouble keeping up.

Smudge: So we have to make a call for help.
If you can donate to help us out, it would be greatly appreciated.
We have a PayPal Donate button at the top of our right nav bar.
Brian's Home Blog
I do hope you get some $$$ kicking in soon.
Eastside Cats
We’ll send some $; if you are non-profit, my company will match.
Ellen J Pilch
I will spread the word. I hope I can donate soon too, but Joanie has an appointment tomorrow with bloodwork that is going to be a few hundred. XO
A ShutterBug Explores
Oh you are a treasure ~ wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year ~ hugs,
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
katie Isabella
Love all you do. Thank you from the heart.
messymimi's meanderings
Many of us are in this boat, with prices going up faster than we can keep up.
da tabbies o trout towne
we hope 2024 iza pawsum awesum yeer for ewe all
and each and everee day bringz sum thin grate yur way !! ♥♥♥
we will see if we can help ♥
Melissa & Mudpie
You’re angels for what you do! Will spread the word with love.
We’re so grateful for all you do for the kitties, friends. We gathered up a few green papers for ya, and hope it helps, if even just a little bit!
katie Isabella
YOu do wonderful things.
HAPPY TO HELP, always.
What wonderful work you are doing! We hope you get lots of donations! What beautiful pics of the kitties today!
Cat and Dog Chat With Caren
I so wish I could but we are in a rather tight situation ourselves, I keep advancing from the bank which is taken each time a check comes in. If things change, I will most certainly help! One suggestion, for any kitty that doesn’t have a pre-existing condition, I would definitely get pet insurance……..I learned the hard way when I didn’t have it.
The Island Cats
We appreciate everything you do to help all the kitties.
Marjorie Dawson
HELP! Your Button adamantly refuses to accept donations from New Zealand. Can you email me whskr (AT) mac (DOT) com to let me have an email to contate to?
Three Chatty Cats
A big thank you for all that you do! The world is a better place because of people like you.
BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum
Mee-Yow Catscue Mom wee wuud like to help; wee reelly wuud. BellaSita iss now takin care of Luna AN Charlotte feralss plus mee….
Wee sorry that wee can not help at this time….wee hope Peepss who can WILL doe-nate fore sure….
***purrss*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum