Puddin and Cookie Look at these two loving siblings, so sweet!
Panda Bear and Puddin Of course not all sibbies are born from the same litter,
Panda and Puddin are brothers by choice.
We are thankful for sibbies today, either literal sibbies
or sibbies by choice.
All in Black and White
We’re thankful for our Black & White cats today.
Figaro First up: Our big hunk of lover-boy mancat Figaro.
He loves to be loved on, and will flip over and beg for tummy rubs.
I’m so thankful for our laid back and loving big boy.
And just look at those toebeans, squee!
Gilly If trouble had a face, it would be this one – MOL!
Gilly is a fun-loving, trouble-starting firecracker.
She makes me smile at the same time I’m pulling my hair out.
I’m so thankful to live with this silly Gilly girl.
Erik, Violet and Marley Busted!
On the table with friends, Erik knows better – MOL!
Erik the Viking is the sweetest and funniest boy,
he rarely gets in trouble
and for that I am thankful for this precious boy.
My guess is Gilly led them all up there,
then disappeared when she heard me coming.
Smudge This is the face of sweetness and love.
I’ve never known a more loving little girl as our Smudge.
What a joy she is
and we’re very thankful she is part of the family.
There it is folks, all in black and white – our thankfuls for this week.
What are you thankful for on this Thankful Thursday?