Little and cute
Skittles Cat Mom: Is this not the cutest little Skittles kittle?!
Tigger Tigger: Was I little and cute once Mom?
Baby Tiggs Cat Mom: OMC Tiggs! You were uber-cute!
Now you’re big and beautiful.
Big Tigg Tigger: Big and beautiful is better than little and cute!
Cat Mom: I’m thankful to have kittens to fuss over
and big beautiful cats to love on.
Cat Mom’s gladiolas Peaches Peaches: The glads are out!
Peaches Peaches: That just makes me so glad.
This summer started early and HOT here in Texas.
Our Pennyroyal seeds were not prepared for that and haven’t done so well.
We have a few that may make it – fingers-crossed!
We bought Pennyroyal on the advice of LouLou the French kitty
because fleas HATE Pennyroyal.
Pretty much everything in the garden is struggling – but not our glads!
We are so thankful that these beautiful and tough flowers are blooming,
nothing makes me happier than a flower-filled garden!
What are you thankful for on this Thankful Thursday?