Angel Gus We lost our old Gus a few months ago
and there isn’t a day I don’t think about that old boy.
Agatha There are a few homeless neighborhood kitties
that we brought inside,
Bobo or were born to Feral Mamas in our neighborhood
that obviously came from the same family line.
Figaro Living reminders of our old Boy.
Gussy touched my heart so deeply,
I am thankful for having him in my life
and so very thankful
that I have the joy of his relatives here with us.
It’s nap time
McTavish McTavish: It looks like nap time Mom.
Cat Mom: Yep, it sure does sweetie.
Leila Lap napping.
Skittles Equipment case napping.
Mini Molly Full out show off your whiskers napping.
Snuggle with your buddies napping.
We’re thankful for nap time!