• Thankful Thursday

    Miss Penny

    Miss Penelope Ann Kitty Kat – 2 years ago

    A couple of years ago, this sweet little girl

    wandered into our backyard.

    She was skinny and scared and

    had a collar on that was much too tight.

    I imagine that collar was put on when she was much smaller.

    I don’t know if she was abandoned

    or somehow got out and got lost,

    but no one ever claimed her.

    She hadn’t been spayed and didn’t have a microchip.

    Miss Penelope Ann Kitty Kat

    She was so friendly, obviously raised by humans.

    When we invited her to come inside,

    she was more than happy to accept.

    She is a loving little thing

    and gets along well with the other cats.

    Penelope a.k.a. MIss Penny

    I am so very thankful she found our backyard.

    I hate to think what could have happened to her

    out there on her own.

    Why on earth would you put a collar on a kitten

    if it doesn’t have contact info tags or license tags on it?

    It has been something we’ve come across before

    and it never fails to make me very upset.

    We’re joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop at Brian’s Home,

    and as Brian always says ‘Remember, adopt cats, we deserve it!!!!!’

  • Thankful Thursday

    Tigger Retro


    We thought we’d share some Tigger memories today.


    He was a spunky little kit.

    Elf and Tigger

    He’d take on the big kitties in a tussle.


    He has grown into a loving and sweet boy.


    No matter how old he gets, he’ll always be my Little Tiggs.

    It’s Thankful Thursday and we’re thankful

    that our Tigger is a happy and healthy kitty.