A sunny snuggly day
Calm after the storm
Zoey, Toygrr and Cookie We had a humdinger of a storm last week, 80 mph winds, hail, etc.
There was a lot of damage in our part of the world.
Our place luckily was spared damage
and other than a 6 hour power outage, we fared well.
Barbie Barbie is back to her cheerful self,
she was very scared of the tornado sirens and lightning.
June Bug June Bug did not like the battery powered lamps we had on that night,
he has requested that this never happen again.
I’m with you there JB!
All in all we are thankful for the calm after the storm,
and very thankful nothing bad happened to our house or kitties.
Our prayers go out to all of those who sustained damage and injury during that storm.