I know momma
Bobo Cat Mom: Bobo you are such a handsome boy.
BoBo: I know momma.
Gabby Rose Cat Mom: Gabby Rose, that is the cutest raspberry.
Gabby Rose: I know momma.
Megan Cat Mom: Megan, you have the sweetest face.
Megan: I know momma.
The modest, camera shy Catscue Cats wish all our friends the sunniest of Sundays!
Hop on! Hop on! -
Charlie and our Samovar collection Charlie: Aylo-who?
Cat Mom: Ailurophile – a cat fancier, a lover of cats.
Panda Bear Panda Bear: So a fancier of floofy cat tums would be an ailurophilofloof?
Gemma Gemma: Everyone is an ailurophile then, right?
Beth Beth: If they’re not, they don’t know what they’re missing!
Cat Mom: Here’s wishing all our ailurophile friends the sunniest of Sundays!
Hop on! Hop on!