• Sunday Selfies

    The song of his people

    Cat Mom: Gandy, it’s time for your selfie!


    Gandy: I don’t think sooooo!


    Gandy: Nooooo, oooooh!

    Panda Bear

    Panda: What is he doing?!

    Cat Mom: He’s singing the song of his people.


    Gandy: Oooooo, oooooh, lalalalala!

    Cat Mom: Okay buddy, I’m putting the camera down now.

    Hop on!
    Hop on!
  • Sunday Selfies

    Elfie Selfie


    Elf: Look Mom, no hands!

    Cat Mom: cute, cute, and more cute!


    Elf: That was hard work, time for a bottle.

    Hint: this is Elf 90% of the time – MOL!

    Hop on!
    Hop on!