• Sunday Selfies

    Suki Day


    Cat Mom: Suki, it’s time for your selfie, look up sweetie.



    Suki: How’s this, are you getting my whiskers?

    Cat Mom: Yes, I’m getting those beautiful whiskers.


    Suki: They are beautiful aren’t they?


    Hop on!


    Hop on!
  • Sunday Selfies

    The tussle


    Leila: You’ve got that look Elf, I know what that means.



    Elf: It’s tussle time sis!


    Elf and Leila

    Kit fight!



    Marley: Why buy kick pillows when they have each other – kits!


    We’re joining The Cat Blogosphere Sunday Blog Hop – Hop on y’all!


    Check out the Sunday Selfies on The Cat on My Head – we’re hopping, come along!