• Sunday Selfies

    Coat of many colors


    Peaches: I take the best selfies of all the cats in the house!

    Cat Mom: Well, you do take a pretty spectacular selfie.

    Peaches: Don’t interrupt, the reason why I take the best selfies is …

    1. I take them myself, I don’t have you do it for me and call if a ‘selfie’, mine are REAL selfies!

    2. I have a coat of many colors, that makes me the most interesting subject for a selfie – and I’m BEAUTIFUL!

    Cat Mom: Your humility astounds me.

    Peaches: Thank you. Now I’ll stretch out and rest and you can get a photo of my amazing coat of many colors.


    Cat Mom: Your wish is my command.

    Welcome to the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop y’all!

    Check out all the blogosphere furbaby selfies on the links below:

  • Sunday Selfies


    Cat Mom: Let’s do some Tortie selfies today girls!


    Leila: You take it Mom, that way you can get all my beautiful furs.

    Cat Mom: Oh, that is nice Leila, now let’s get Mona Lisa in a photo.


    Leila: She’s too wiggly Mom, that is not a good idea.

    Cat Mom: I’m sure we can get one that’s not wiggly.

    Mona Lisa blur and Leila

    Leila: I rest my case.

    Mona Lisa
    Mona Lisa
    Mona LIsa

    Cat Mom: Aha! FINALLY!

    Have a wonderful week everyone, and thanks for stopping by!