Lounging Elf
Elf and Kai Cat Mom: You two are so sweet today!
How about you do a selfie together?
Elf and Kai’s back Elf: We’re just not in the mood Mom.
How about I do my super-handsome pose and you take the photo?
Cat Mom: Purrfect!
I’m sure we’ll get a lot of ooooing and awwwing today.
We’re joining the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop and The Cat Blogosphere Blog Hop today, click on the links and hop on everyone!
New duds
Elf Elf: Okay Mom, it’s time for selfies, how about YOU do one!
Cat Mom: You know how I hate getting my picture taken, how about we do one of you?
Elf: Oh, come on! How about you show them one in your new shirt?
Cat Mom: It is a pawsome new shirt and I do want to show it off, hmmmmm.
New shirt – pawsome! Elf Elf: Ha, ha, ha! You are tricky Mom!