• Sunday Selfies

    Elf Test


    Elf: We got this toy for Christmas this year.

    See the tacky Tupperware lid taped to the top?

    There is a reason for that.


    Elf: See, I really wanted to get those balls out of there and bat them around on the floor.

    So … I tried getting them out from outside

    … then I decided I could get them out from inside.

    I tried by paw for a while, then stuck my head in the hole to get a better view.

    That did not end well, the toy got stuck on my head.


    Luckily, Dad was nearby and was able to grab a hold of me and pull the toy off my head, whew!


    Elf: Needless to say, I don’t play with that toy anymore.

    Mom says that if cat toy manufacturers knew about my toy testing skills and how quickly I can find a flaw in a design, she could retire early.

    Whatever, as long as my dinner is on time I’m good.

    Cat Mom: They do make a better design than the one we bought, the little cat head on top is much cuter than a Tupperware lid!