Dad Time
Every day, and I mean EVERY DAY, Elf has his Dad time.
Cat Dad works from home, as we all do now …
but when Elf was tiny and being bottle fed every hour,
it was Cat Dad that took on most of the feedings
while I left to go to work.
They have a bond unlike anything I’ve ever seen.
And every time, there is a moment when Elf gazes lovingly up at his Dad.
What you cannot see in the photo is Dad gazing lovingly down at his boy.
I get teary-eyed everytime I see this.
This is what Elf thinks of my idea to have ‘Mom Time’ – MOL!
We may never know
Gemma What do you see over there Gemma?
Gemma Hmmm, we may never know.
But she sure is pretty looking at that … whatever it is.