We have dubbed Cupcake’s litter as the Rapscallions.
They are little trouble finding
race cars and we love them to pieces!
Cookie Starting with the mildest of the Rapscallions is Cookie,
she loves to sleep more than the others,
but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t do her share
of racing around and getting in trouble.
Puddin Puddin is the Ferrari of the Rapscallion crew,
naughty little sweetheart.
Scout Scout, well he scouts out whatever new thing there is
to get into and leads the others into trouble
– we love this little one!
A big Texas howdy from the Rapscallion crew!
Cupcake and kittens
We haven’t shared photos of the upstairs nursery.
Mostly because they don’t sit still
long enough to get a good shot.
And, the lighting isn’t so good upstairs
and I don’t want to use a flash
with the kitten’s baby eyes.
So, we’re sharing the not-so-good photos anyway.
Scout, Puddin and Cookie Mama Cupcake gives them a bath. Scout climbing a human, a regular occurrence. Scout yawning while climbing the human. Beautiful Cupcake Her coloring is so beautiful, and she does look thin, but when you pet her, there isn’t any boniness, just muscle. They are now almost 6 weeks old and just the cutest, sweetest little family.
The photos don’t show their personalities
which are amazing.
The kittens are very outgoing and fearless
and rocket around like little race cars.
Cupcake is the most calm and attentive mother.
Thanks for letting me show
more of my little pride-and-joys,
even with blurry photos.