• Sunday Selfies

    Gilly Day


    This is Gilly.


    Gilly can do adorable without any effort at all.


    Gilly is all about charming the pants off

    any Peeps in the vicinity.


    And this is Gilly’s Mom Toby.

    You can see where Gilly learned to pose for the camera.

    These two were born cat models,

    am I right?

  • Sunday Selfies

    Elf Day

    Elf Baby

    Y’all remember Elf, right?

    He was abandoned by his feral Mom

    in our backyard and we bottle fed him.

    We heard that distinctive kitten cry for help

    one winter day all the way from our living room.

    When Cat Dad followed that sound,

    a tiny black kitten ran across the yard to him.

    Elf and Cat Dad

    And those two have been inseparable ever since.


    I think he used up all his meows that day,

    he has never meowed since.

    He purrs, he growls, but is otherwise silent.


    The kitten milk replacer we used to feed him

    seems to have worked,

    just look at those shiny furs!


    Isn’t he one handsome mancat?!