Suki Sunday
We haven’t featured our girl
with her heart on her nose in a while.
Here’s our darling Suki showing her stuff.
Suki Isn’t she a stunner?
Suki Suki was one of the very first Feral kittens
we trapped, spayed and socialized.
Suki She stole our hearts way back then
and she’s been our little sweetheart ever since.
Suki Feral kittens can make wonderful housemates.
Trap them just as they’re weened,
socialize them,
and of course …
love and treasure them furever.
Feral Caretakers not only TNR (Trap,Neuter,Return) adult cats,
they also trap, neuter, socialize
and adopt out the kittens (when possible).
We highly recommend adopting a Feral kitten
and so does Suki!
Dash got her spay/vaccine/microchip day recently.
She was so brave and good.
So we thought we’d do a little Dash Retrospective.
Dash kitten Baby Dash doing her first razberry.
Dash Dash relaxing as only Dash can.
Dash My sweet lovey girl not too long after surgery day.