Holiday Posts
Big Birthdays
Happy Birthday America!
We honor those amazing patriots so long ago that created this country – when you think about what they risked and the care they took to craft the best framework possible for their new country, it makes me so proud and awestruck.
We here at Catscue have FIVE birthday’s on this day!
Happy 2nd Birthday Zoey and Emmett!
Zoey and Emmet then:
Zoey and Emmett Zoey now at 2 YEARS OLD!
Zoey Emmett now at 2 YEARS OLD!
Emmett The next three we’re not entirely sure what their actual birth date is – but last summer Marley and her kits accepted our invitation to enter our home and get out of the nasty summer heat. Judging from their size and that they were not fully weened, we decided to put their birth date as July 4th as well.
Happy 1st Birthday Mona Lisa, Fox and Erik the Viking:
Mona, Foxy and Erik then:
Momma Marley feeding her kits Mona Lisa now at 1 YEAR OLD!
Mona Lisa Erik the Viking now at 1 YEAR OLD!
Erik the Viking Fox now at 1 YEAR OLD!
We love our little Independence Day babies and are so glad they are part of our family.
Happy 4th of July everyone!
Hop on! Hop on! -
Cat World Domination Day
Ebby and Erik the Viking Ebby: Are you ready?
Erik the Viking: I was born ready.
Ebby Ebby: Hoomans are you ready?
Cat Mom & Dad: We’ve already been dominated by cats for decades, we’re more than ready!
Gabby Rose Gabby Rose: On your knees world, the cats have taken over!
Erik the Viking Erik the Viking: You may place my noms and nip at my feet now.
Happy Cat World Domination Day everyone!
Thanks to Summer and her Mom at Sparkle Cat for sponsoring this day! Check out the prizes you could win today on
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