Cat Toys
The toys that a cat needs are designed to replicate a hunting experience or a survival experience. Cats ‘play’ by practicing ways to either hunt down prey, defend their territory or avoid becoming prey.

Another aspect of play for a cat is the one-on-one time they have with you, their companion. It is important to have that play time with your cat to strengthen your relationship as well as help to avoid future behavioral problems.
Bottom line, get the proper toys and have regular playtime for your cat.
The most used cat toys in our home are listed below.

Springs are the favorite toys of the Catscue cats. They are also a favorite toy for their humans. They are washable, if you step on one, you don’t break the toy or your neck, they just squash and then ‘spring’ back – we all love these!
60 Pack Cat Spring Toy Plastic Colorful Coil Spiral Springs Pet Action Wide Durable Interactive ToysKick Pillows
Kick pillows are long tubular pillows that a cat will wrap itself around and ‘kick’ with their back feet. This is a fighting technique that cats use often – ever watched two feral tomcats go at it? You’ll see this fighting maneuver every time.
Jackson Galaxy Hunting Instincts Kicker Cat Toy with CatnipThe Nip Nanner – a kitty fave!
Yeowww! Catnip Toy, Yellow BananaFeeling crafty? See our DIY Toys page to learn how to make a kick pillow yourself.
Balls replicate the agility and speed of prey. Balls are interactive toys, kick the ball to your cat and watch that amazing feline grace and skill move that ball across the room – Pele has nothing on cats! Then fish the ball out from under the couch and kick it to your cat again, and again, and again. There are knee pads available for humans who are constantly on their knees fishing out toys from under couches and appliances, just kidding (about the knee pads, not the fishing out of toys from under things).
PETFAVORITES Foam Soccer Balls Cat Toys – Pack of 12FYI – You can buy half dozen packs of ping pong balls at the dollar store. Note that I have listed soft balls for your cat to play with above … ping pong balls are very noisy when you are trying to sleep – but they are inexpensive!
These toys I find it extremely convenient as I don’t have to fish balls out from under furniture and appliances!
UPSKY Cat Toy Roller Cat Toys 3 Level Towers Tracks Roller with Six Colorful Ball Interactive Kitten Fun Mental Physical Exercise Puzzle ToysWARNING! The toy below was absolutely loved by our cats. But one thing our cats are very good at is finding the flaws in a toy’s design. The top of this toy has a hole that goes all the way to the bottom. Our little Elf was determined to get at those balls! He stuck his head down into the hole to see if he could get at them that way and his head got stuck in the hole. He panicked and it was a fiasco grabbing him, holding him still and working that toy off of his head. We found a small Tupperware lid that we affixed on the top and that fixed the issue. But I highly recommend the toy shown above with the kitty head on top – it has solved that problem in a very cute way – much better than a Tupperware lid!
Wands are a plastic or wood stick with a long plush fabric tail attached to the end. The wand is an interactive toy that replicates prey. I advise against wands with feathers, metallic shiny things, beads or stuffed toys with glued on ears, tail or eyes – basically anything a cat can easily chew off and ingest, I avoid completely.
Legendog Cat Teaser, 4PCS Cat Plush Toy Cat Stick Toys Interactive Wand with Bell for Pet(Random Color)I have instructions on making these yourself if you are interested – check out our DIY Cat Toys page.
Laser pointer
This toy is for when I am lazy. This toy replicates fast moving prey and cats go MAD for it! This ‘toy’ was created as a teaching or lecturing tool for humans, but the cats have taken it as their own.
I love this one because it is rechargeable – yay!
Sterling Endurance Cat Toys, Rechargeable, Cat Dog Exercise ToyWARNING: Do NOT EVER point the laser pointer at or near your cats eyes, it can cause damage to their vision.
If you don’t mind a short battery life, you can pick up a Laser pointer in the pet section of your local dollar store.
These definitely imitate prey and can be interactive toys or just fun things for a cat to attack all by itself. Just throw the mouse into the air and watch the cat go wild for it!
CoolCyberCats Fun Rat Pack 3 Pack of Mice Mouse Refill/Attachment – Fits Wildcat and Popular Bird and Catcher Type Wands/PolesIf you want to make your own mice for your cat, check out our DIY Cat Toys page for instructions.
Nip Mat
Nip mats are a fun place for your cat to roll around, getting nip- happy. It’s sooooo cute to watch!
Petmate Fat Cat Fat Toy Boogie Mat AsstThe website 15 and Meowing has instructions on making one of these – cats love them and it is not an interactive toy, just something fun for your cat to roll around on. Check it out, it’s easy to make: How to make a Nip Mat.
Regular play time with your cat is important. Cats are happiest with a routine, so try to set aside certain times of the day to devote to play. Do I do this every day at specific times, all the time? No. Life gets in the way and there are times when play time is missed or out of sync. Do your best, that’s all any of us can manage in this busy world!
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