Bottle Feeding

If you should come across an abandoned kitten, and I mean truly abandoned – not just a kitten or kittens you find that are all alone. Mama cat may be out hunting or too scared to come back when you are around her kits.
Observe from a distance for a while, if they are truly abandoned and need care and you are willing to fill that need – here are some tips on how to bottle feed a kitten.

The very first thing you need to do is not panic, but relax – you can do this!
I would recommend setting aside a cat carrier with a soft cloth in it or some sort of enclosure for your kitten, especially if you have a multi-pet household. Even if you do not, it is easy to step on a kitten – so keep them safe when you are not feeding or cuddling your kitten.
Then, before feeding, take a tissue and help them go potty. This is replicating what Mama Cat does, she licks their private areas to stimulate urination and BM. Take the tissue and gently rub their private parts until they do their business into the tissue.
Make sure the kitten is not too cold or too overheated, wait until their temperature normalizes and help it along by warming them with a blanket or holding them close.
Now you are ready to bottle feed. Make sure the milk is warm, not hot or cold – room temperature is good.
Squeeze the bottle to make sure the milk can come out the nipple.
ALWAYS make sure the kitten is belly down, don’t hold a kitten like a human baby, that can cause them to aspirate the milk into their lungs.
Hold the bottle up and don’t squeeze it, let the kitten suckle.

Depending on how old your kitten is determines the frequency of feedings needed, anywhere from every 2 hours to every 6 hours.
The best source for bottle feeding kittens, including a chart that shows feeding schedules, you need to check out The Kitten Lady, she has a website, a YouTube channel and an informative book. Hannah Shaw is a treasure trove of kitten care info!

There is nothing like bottle feeding a kitten, the bond you will share will be for life. Above is Cat Dad and Elf. Cat Dad works from home, so he handled most of the feedings and these two sit like this every night, gazing lovingly at each other – even now when Elf is a full grown cat.

Look what a beautiful cat our Elf grew into, isn’t he gorgeous?
Below are some products we recommend, but for a more comprehensive listing, go to The Kitten Lady for her recommendations.
Pet-Ag Nursing Kit 2oz Bottle (Carded)You can buy liquid or powder kitten milk replacer, I always make sure it contains Taurine which helps fend off feline flu.
Milk Replacer Powder for Kittens, 10.5 ozENJOY!