Kitten update
The new kittens are doing well.
Little Jacques is fearless.
Pierre has started nibbling on big kitty wet food.
Pierre pretty much eats and sleeps.
We’re very happy they are doing well and are healthy and growing.
From old Gus
Some of you may remember old Gus, our Feral of 20 some odd years.
He passed a while back,
but not before we FINALLY got him inside during Snowmageddon.
Well, a friend of mine pointed out that a lot of our rescues look alike.
I’m guessing it was all because of old Gussy.
He was spreading his genes all over our neighborhood
long before we took care of that particular skill of his.
A lot of the strays we’ve rescued since have a striking resemblance to the old boy.
When you talk to Feral Caretakers,
you do find out that the clowder members often resemble the top Tom.
Interesting, isn’t it?