About Us

We do not know how her ear was so torn or her jagged and broken stump of a tail happened, but we’re guessing she fell asleep on a car engine or was hit by a car. This sweet, loving little cat was abandoned in our neighborhood in the cold of winter, hungry and afraid. She found her way to our backyard where we always have shelters, food and water for whoever is in need.
We never planned on rescuing homeless cats – no one ever does! But the cats were abandoned, hungry and in need of a helping hand. They had been abandoned in my neighborhood, and my husband and I could not turn away from that need.
We have found a solid truth in the old saying, “who rescued whom?” We like the people we have become by loving and being loved by these extraordinary animals.
We have a multi-cat household, full of love, fur and hairballs. Our grocery cart is mostly cat food and litter, and vet appointments happen as regularly as our own check-ups.
I love every minute of it!
I have become involved with Animal Advocacy and Pet Rescue issues, working towards pet friendly legislation and education.
This website is to share our stories past and present, share our experiences – the successes and the failures, and do a little preaching about pet issues that are important to me.
Welcome to Catscue!